September 9-15

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If anyone has ventured upstream to the end of the cliffs, you've surely seen the river fall. Thirty meters to the riverbed, the roaring water pours over, eroding its way back into the rock face. It is nowhere near as wide as Niagara, only about ten meters across, and you can see something beneath the uppermost edge that glints sharply in the moonlight.

On one side of the falls, about halfway down, a man kneels on an outcropping stone within reach of the water spray. His head is bowed as if in prayer, clothes unsoiled from the workday. His white shirt glows in the moonlight along with the falls.

After a few moments, he reaches to a jug at his side and pours the contents over the cliff. The rich, crisp scent of spiced apples fills the night air. The water darkens to a blue-black for a moment before returning to its reflective brilliance.

Living so close to a massive force of nature, it's hard not to pay your respects.

Especially when it's always listening.


And while we're considering the world around us, let's take a look at Ann with The First Delicacy.

Small in stature, huge in heart, our sylven storyteller has a special request. With the Wattys creeping ever-closer, she'd like us to look at the first two chapters again. There have been edits made, words mixed, and polishing the sheen into any piece of work is... well, a lot of work. We'll have the link on google docs in our Discord.

General comments are welcome, and our esteemed expositor requests that we keep a special eye out for the Info Dumps of Dumpness.

As for discussion questions:

-Is the new intro chaps for Shilo still interesting? Does it feel too bogged down by exposition?

-Do the clearer explanations on the world help clear up previous misunderstandings?

-I also switched from names on Bright Eyes—they're now called Archfey. So does the concept of them make sense?

As is the new usual, I'll be adding this to our Discord. I hope you're all having a wonderful week!

Draco is on hiatus due to intensely increased life happenings. Ferret you're up for VOTM! next week.

Candles Book ClubOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz