October 14 - 20 VOTM!!!

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Amidst the wavering shadows, the vanishing people, and the strangeness that happens this time of year, there is another encounter. As Rex was walking along the cliffside, enjoying a bit of sun before the weather turns again, a giant red dragon swooped down and scooped him up!

The cliffside dwellers seem uninterested, amused even. Except the grumbling man picking up cabbages from his overturned stall. Then we learn the red dragon is Kendrick. You've all met him, and you know what this means!

RexEynon is our Victim of the Month!

For a refresher, we'll be reading four, count 'em 4, sections of Nalite Hunter: Azarias Drake here on Wattpad. Anything but grammar in the in-line comments, questions are as follows:

5 - Is there any relevance in Azarias' relationship with his parents/Tariq to his character? Has your opinion on Azarias changed in these chapters?

6 - Any guesses to the red headed girl's relationship with Azarias?

7/8 - Is his emotional state clear at this point (the change in his psyche)? Is it a believable change or is it too quick?

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