November 18 - 24

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The lights burn low, the wailing winds slow, and we find our feet wandering a little further from the cliff city each day. We've explored graveyards, gardens, ravines, and rolling rivers. The lake is deep and cool, but the coming winter makes it less inviting, unless it's to sit on the shore next to a fire with friends.

Speaking of friends, our dear Ferret is up this week, pages in hand, ready to simmer in comments. The usual for in-lines, please.

For Cipher: The Shepherd 6.1-- Does the elaboration on Alder's backstory answer previous questions in a satisfying way?
And The Shepherd 6.2-- Are the action scenes clear/easy to follow? Does this feel like a natural conclusion to the current conflict?

For Rex: The Shepherd 7-- Does this feel like a satisfying and realistic conclusion to the plotline?
And The Lady and the Gander-- Does the inclusion of "The Lady and the Gander" feel relevant to Dara's story in "The Shepherd"?

For Ann: The Soldier 1.2-Are the action scenes easy to follow?
And The Soldier 2.1- -Does the flashback chapter give important insights into Alder's motives?

And for Danni: The Warden 3.1 and 3.2-- What do you think about the dynamic between Dara and Alder? Does this chapter (especially the parts where they are traveling) seem too slowly paced?

And for Frost: The Warden 4 - Does the first scene in this chapter drag on? At the end of this chapter, do Alder and Dara reconcile too quickly?
The Warden 5.1 - I'm also looking for feedback on the pacing in this chapter, and if the plot stuff re: Setareh seems relevant enough to the story.

Hope everyone's having a great week!

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