May 13 - 19

80 1 35

Simple short and to the point this week. Your #1 Mod has been having their own life-happenings and hasn't thought of anything to go with the ruins we visited last time, so go ahead and turn over some fallen pillars, set up a more permanent camp, and we'll dive into this week's story missions. Is that caffeine I smell?

@Ferret-bird with Meridian

(For those of you who Have Finished chapter 6 this week) Is the conclusion to "The Shepherd" satisfying? While there's some parts of the ending that are deliberately unexplained, are there sections that you felt were too hard to understand, or where Dara's confusion make the chapter difficult to read?(For earlier chapters) What do you think of the character development? Are Dara and Nasrin interesting to read about?

for in-line comments, I'd like feedback on the characters, plot, and/or worldbuilding. Syntax/grammar edits only if there's a major error.

@KendraMFrost with Shadow Medicine

Those original members should be on sections 9 and 10 this week-- Does Lodi's storyline overpower Auric's?

For more recent readers-- What are your thoughts on the main POV character of the sections you read this week?

In-line comments-- I'd love to hear more about characters and worldbuilding, but other comments are great, too. Just no grammar/syntax/dialect/this-wording-sounds-weird stuff.

@TheSabineGolde with The Lycan King

For in-line comments, anything but grammar.

My discussion question for those who are just starting off is: What is your first impression of Blanchette?

and for everyone else: Does the pacing seem appropriate and can you empathize with the characters?

Here's hoping you're all having an easier week than us! Or at least calmer.

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