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I move out of the dorm. The night shift workers were there. It looked like this place is always awake. I moved to the kitchen.

"Oh there you are , i was just finding someone. Just take this tray of wines to number 502 in the main building. "

"Alright. To who?"

"There are some guests."

"Ok ", i took the tray. This time of course they allowed me to enter . I took the lift to the fifth floor. The room was just front of me. I knocked.

"Come in"

I pushed open the door. I immediately recognize all of them. I put my head down. Harry was sitting with his back to me. Nick was sitting beside him. Abdullah at the another side.

I cocked the bottle open to serve them.

"Yeah i see. It was really a trouble. I could have been arrested. But now alisa by our side I think the whole danger is on her."

They all laughed.

"Alright having queen's sister is the best thing you will do harry but how did she accepted to do that for you?"

"Ah...she wants to go home. The poor baby. Not able to live in our world. "

I stopped in my tracks. I should have thought she is new to this.

Did i disturbed her that much?

"Will you let her go?", nick asked.

"Of course not. Its practically not possible. Helping us kidnap such an elite , police will soon arrest her. Maybe she might be killed. But if not you can have one more person to trade Abdullah. "

Once again they all laughed. I clenched my fist. I moved out of the room.

Alisa where are you?

I am not letting this girl go away, ever.

I started checking every room. I come across a hallway. There was a computer lab and beside that was harry 's study room. There was no one there so I went inside. I have to take enough proof.

I started checking his files showing his new projects and clicked photographs of them . There was a list of places where drugs that were sold this year. I clicked photographs of that too. I discovered most of their hideout places were isolated just like this one.

I moved out as soon as I can. I didn't have enough time. And started checking rooms again. I stopped in front of a room. I saw someone sleeping inside.

I stepped inside slowly.


She was sleeping peacefully. Must be exhausted. But the thing is she should know everything. I stroke her hair back.


Her eyes shot open. First she didn't recognize but then she strained.

"What are you doing here?"

"We don't have time Alisa. I just heard their conversations, they won't let you go home. Either you will be arrested by police or you will be in the dungeon with those.... ", I struck in between.

"Why do you care? "

"I am sorry", I confessed," I am an idiot, too and any sensible person would have kicked me out of his life. Right now, I am not emotionally stable."

She didn't said anything.

"Are you mad? Ok think about your employees that gonna lose their jobs, all those girls whose life will be hell , think about how many people will get affected by your ignorance. "

She lay straight gazing at the wall not at all looking at me.

"Oh god, Why is he the way he is?"


I move out of the room and followed back to Abdullah's building.

"Um...sir do you need something ?", I said walking over to him.

"Yeah maybe a condom.", he laughed ,"bring it to my room. "

I took one from a nearby shop and entered the building. I moved to the room 210 and knocked.

"Yes yes come in. See he is here. I told you."

I entered the room.

He put forward his hand . I took out the packet and kept it on his hand . Then without losing my grip , I fold it , took out my revolver and shoot.

The gun hit right at the center of his head. He looked at me shocked at what just happened.

Before the girl could scream, i put my hand on her mouth keeping the gun on her head.

She looked at me with pleading eyes, crying.

"Then Must have thought about all those girls including, Alisa . I am not even sorry. ", I shot her, "You shouldn't have messed with her.

There was a noise. But no one seemed to hear it. I moved down closing the gate keeping back my revolver. I nodded at the receptionist.

He nodded back.

Alisa's pov

The next day i entered into the plane, harry by my side.

It was a long journey.

"I really wonder who could have killed Abdullah ", harry said looking at nick.

"Is anyone murdered?", I turned my head looking at them.

"Yes one of my friend Abdullah. He was in his room , both he and his girlfriend shanaya are dead."

Oh am not even sorry.

A good thing happened. Should have happened much before.

"The receptionist said the last person to went inside was a servant. Abdullah had asked for a condom from him. ", nick said.

"Have you asked for checking nick?"

"Yes i have. I think soon we will have the murderer"

"Have you worked out on how you will get Macbeth?", i asked changing the topic.

"Uhm...yes see as soon as you apply that mascara she will doze off. Then you just have to wear her dress and all jewelry and sit in her place. "

"Are you mad?"

"Keep the net on your face alisa . Your clothes will be on her . Then as soon as you left the room someone will come and take her. Just hide her till then. Maybe in the almirah. "

"The most amazing plan I have ever heard!", i said making a face, "What about me?"

"Oh that ....i haven't thought of yet. See escape out after that ."

Andrew was absolutely correct.

"What if they catch me?"

"Ah....don't worry. I will look after that."

"Yeah sure", i looked outside the window.

Keep going on Alisa, this soon will end.

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