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I was now sitting in a bus with twenty four strangers. Kashmir, though how beautiful and breath catching it is, it is one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Gun fights here were like raining in tropical amazon. There was checking just at every stop.

The bus halted in front of a restaurant.

"Miss, don't you wanna come? New here?", A woman about my age asked , she was wearing something black. They called it a hijab.

I nodded.

"Don't worry , here, come with me."

We settle ourselves.

"So why are you here?"

"Want to meet a friend."

"I see , well I live here in Pulwama.", I looked up at her.

"I am going there too, can you please help me find a hotel?"

"You said you wanna meet a friend...."

Oh shit.

"Yeah actually , I don't know her address and she is not picking up my phone."

"Ok ok , I don't need your clarification, and also you seemed tired. You can stay at my house."

"That's not needed..."

"It's fine. I can understand. My parents will help you too.", I shot her a glance.

"You have parents?... I mean you stay with your parents?"

"Yeah, not married yet."

"Neither I"

We both laughed a little.

"By the way, I am Shanaya khan.", she took out a hand.

"Hi I am Alisa Adams , from London. Don't give me that look , my mom is....Was from india . Her name is Meenakshi . Got her features."

"Oh I am so sorry I didn't know.."

"It's okay...She , she passed away just one day ago. Heard news on tv about exploding of pashchim express?"

"Allah meher kare..."
(May god bless you)

I try to control my tears.

"Ok ok , calm down . I got it. Within twenty minutes we will reach pulwama. "

I shot her a confused look. The whole bus journey then went with she explaining me her culture.

Like when you meet someone , you say as-salam-u-alaikum. I return, the other say wa-alaikum as-salam.

With five attempts I got it.

Girls wear hijab, very little do jobs. Like shanaya, they moved to states for business.

Better stay away from police , if caught then act as if you are the most innocent creation on this earth otherwise results could be fatal. People show less kind behavior here leaving good people like shanaya.


When I reached pulwama, it was night time. But market was open . Shanaya's house was less like a house , more like a building with fancy lights. Must be a flat.

She hold my hand and took me upstairs. People shot me weird glances like if they haven't seen a foreign in a while.

When we reached to second floor , she opened the door pushed me in and closed it.

I saw around ten men including old aged ones sitting and drinking , half were almost about to pass out.

There were women with just blouses and little skirts around them. I instantly moved back.

"Dekhiye janab, naya maal hai , imported.", Shanaya stated.
(Look here, new chick for entertainment)

"What place is this?"

"My home ",she smiled and moved forward hugging a middle aged man with big beard. He wore expensive clothes and jewelry.

A man come over to me with dizzy eyes and almost topple over me. I moved a step back. It felt like I am being violated just by their stares.

Shit I am being fooled again.

I run back towards the door but it won't open.

"Oh madam, come here. No escape now. Welcome to my family. How much worth we will get for her, huh?", She asked the man called abdullah.

"You can't even count."

And they both started laughing.

"Stop it! Just stop it. I want to get out of here. Nice to meet your wonderful family , shanaya . Is it that your name or you lied about that too? See you don't know me yet. "

"Oh shut up. Zara, inhe kamara toh dikhao."
(Zara show her the room.)

A small girl maybe of ten years come up to me and took me to a corner room. There she sided the curtains to show me a window and Gestured me out.

I feel so bad for her. She must be trapped here too. Have to do things with men triple her age.

I heard footsteps and closed the curtains. Shanaya comes in and told zara something. Zara glanced at me and moved out.

"English people, must know about sex, don't you? Well always open with that. Maintain same gesture here. I will give you some money. A man will come here in some time, entertain him well. And yes this suitcase and phone should be with me."

She snatched them from my hand. I could feel my passport in my upper zip of jacket and some money in my right pocket . Nothing else.

She moved away as a man must be in fifties come in. He was wearing a golden chain. Instantly , a image of my office comes to my mind. If only I was there...

"Oh yeh toh hira hai.",he laughed. (Oh she is just like diamond.)

I moved back. My throat was going dry. He locked the room.

"What? Why are you standing like this? Won't do anything to entertain me?"


I moved forward, he smiling brightly . I put my hand on his shoulder , and kicked.

He bent down crying in pain. I took a vase from the table and banged his head causing blood to spill over.

Suddenly I stopped breathing, an image of my mom at the station , burned and bleeding blurred my eyes.

This give time for him to stand and shout to others. He lunched towards me . He was very heavy to maintain. All those people will be here in a second. I took out my hair pin and stabbed his eyes.

I made my way towards window , it was big enough for me to pass . But it was covered with a net. There was a kitchen knife placed in a bowl containing apples and pear. I took it and started cutting the net.

Thank God, it was of cheap quality.

The man still being stubborn shouted at the top of his voice . I heard voices from outside.

But before they could come , I jumped out drawing the curtains.


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