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I cling to the pipe, moving down one by one, not looking down. If anyone looks up , they will get a good view of my butt.

I was now on first floor, my legs were straining a lot. But still I moved down like a snail. I heard a crack and the upper window opened , shanaya and abdullah looked down.

My grip loosed on the pipe, and I fall looking grim expression of Shanaya.

My end was approaching, I closed my eyes. But I dropped with a thud , white powder spreading all around me. I was on a open truck full of white flour bags.

I was saved.

I heard voices coming to take me back but I was tired , I can't stand up. But again as soon as they can caught me, the truck moved taking me with it.

After a distance I sat up, me all covered in flour. There was a small window through which I could see who is driving. They were two men laughing and talking, not aware of who is at back.

What should I do now? Better wait for it to stop at some place and then I will climb out. But before I could further plan anything out, we entered through a gate in a building and the truck stopped right in front of a big kitchen . I just supposed it to be from voices of utensils. Suddenly, I realized that I was starving like hell.

I heard a crack and the back gate opened revealing a man standing in front of me.

I shouted .

He shouted. "Bhoot Bhoot "

And ran away.

What? I took the time and moved out to see I was in a restaurant. People came running by towards the truck probably to see a ghost, but I was long gone. From the back gate , I entered the kitchen and was happy to see no one was there at the moment.

I moved over to a basin and washed myself. Then I moved over to the shelf . Some fries were kept in a bowl. I eat it in a hurry.

The front gate of the kitchen opened and a man in a chef's dress come in.

"Seriously , you people kidding me?", he was Spanish, for sure, "bring in the food , no wine first. Guest will arrive soon. And yes..do you think we allow dresses here. Go and change fast.",he pointed to another gate within the kitchen with a board saying changing room.

"Right away sir.", I said.

I entered into the room . The uniform compose of light pink shirt with a skirt for girls. I took one pair of my size and quickly change. My hair were messy so I make bun and put a cap on.
There were some batches kept on a shelf of people with their post. Right now I could hear people were back.

" Raj is crazy , isn't he ? Seen a ghost. Who believes in ghost here by the way."

"Me", a girl said.

"Oh shut up , Zoya. "

From their voices , these were looking like in their teens.

An idea struck to my mind.

I opened the gate and moved out to the kitchen ignoring their stairs. I took out a tray from the shelf and put it on slap.

"Do we give money to stare , huh? Who will bring the glasses and wine?", I said in a strict tone.

"Oh ...right ma'am.", They said probably looking at the head chef batch on my shirt.

"Don't you guys know we are having guests here, show me what you have made to serve!"

The boy looked in a serious worry, "right away , ma'am."

I think I am acting good. Maybe along with a detective , I was also an actor.

He took me to the corner shelf. Put the lid of one bowl to show soup, other to show a fish, next some rice and at last some pasta.

"We tried to cover each dish type , so we won't upset them."

"Hmm I see."

The front door again opened to reveal the same chef. "The guest are here, serve them wine first. Who's the head here?"

We all look at each other.

Oh that's me, I nearly forgot.

"Yes sir?"

"You will serve them.", and with that he moved out.


Suzy came with a tray full of big wine glasses and gave it to me.

Oh god! That's so heavy.

A flashback came to my mind of me serving coke to Sara and mom. Not breaking the glasses was a victory for me at that time.

I am dying to go back.

I hold the tray tighter balancing it, "why are you looking at me? The dishes must be microwave now , I think."

"Yes.. ma'am.", Raj said.

I moved out to the front door.

Who will open it now?

The boy was washing his hands and saw me. He came running and pulled open the gate, "here"

Sweet boy.

I moved out , the place was new for me. Clearly it is a five star hotel. From the lights , I could make out that.

I moved a little further and saw people chatting and laughing. Soon the chef come again.

"What's taking you so long? Come fast."

I followed him hurriedly balancing the tray. Either I will lose the tray or him.

He took me to a specific corner with a big dining table . People were sitting there, talking. From their suits they looked quite rich.

"What are you staring at? Serve them"

"Yes sir."

I moved to the table , my hands crying like hell. I moved to the first chair .

And I stepped back, panicked.

I just could have dropped the whole tray because I saw Harry sitting there with his hand folded talking to someone elder with big beard.

A smile come upon my lips. Finally, now I could ask for help.

I put the tray on table , and put the glass beside him but he didn't notice me.

"Then what dad , I killed him. Do you think, I care ."


When I look up, I saw Rickard just on the opposite seat , staring at me. I might die, today. I moved my cap a little lower. When I looked up , he was talking to the side man.

I moved the tray and served his dad. He ignored me too.

Then I moved the tray to serve Rickard but my hands gave up , and the tray stumbled a little when I kept it on table .

But before it could make any noise Rickard put his hand Below for a firm grip and took a glass by himself while he continued talking to the side man.

Did he recognized me? Did he?

But then he looked up at me.

I am caught. Now he will kill me too.

"Can you tell me..", he looked at my batch ,"..ms. Sabrina the way to the washroom?"

Washroom? Oh shit.


Life Gives A ChanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ