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Andrew seriously was standing out there with an emotionless face watching his phone, ignoring us.

"Really hurt to know your mother died Alisa.", Harry over reacted.

I didn't say anything. If he likes doing drama , I am totally in.

I looked at my hands making a sad face.

"Earlier I thought Suzanne has really changed, and I was shocked the way you managed everything. That's a good work there but as soon as I got to know that Suzanne is off to a holiday with a girl named Alisa Adams playing her role, things started to fit in."

I didn't said anything nor did I ask how he got to know that but he continued on talking.

"Well..How did she died?", he asked as if he didn't know.

"I don't..Wanna talk about it.", I said moving away.

"Ah...I understand. You know what? My dad died tomorrow and I really wanna talk about him.", he hold my hand tightly.

"Oh ....Stop kidding harry , can't you see I am serious here."

"And I am fucking serious too!!",he shouted but totally recovered,"...Alisa."

"Umm...Sorry I didn't know about....Well why are you here?", I asked looking at the empty road.

"Coming to that. There was a girl named eve toulson that my dad invited for daily fun...You see. She was the last person to see him alive until he was poisoned by the product of his own brand and his room exploded off. ",He said making a disappointed face.

"Oh jesus..."

"Well you wanna see picture? I have one ",he took out my burkha picture out of his pocket.

"Oh what the odds Alisa, she looks very much like you."

"What are you talking about?"

"See, here."

"You can say....So you think I have killed your dad?",I gave a small laugh. "See harry I totally understand your loss but do you think I will leave my mom to meet your dad who I didn't even know?"

"Of course not, Alisa. Who says an innocent girl like you can kill an underworld mafia? This video , huh?"

He put forward the phone having my cctv footage at Marlow's house.

I looked at the pictures again and again. My throat going dry.

"It could be Suzanne, who knows? From the moment I realised my face is so common, anyone could be it."

"Haha! You have fallen into the trap , Alisa. Isn't it my brother?",he said looking back towards Andrew who gave me a look.

What!! Andrew cheated me?

No, no it can't be it. Who is he? The one who ignores me in front of his brother or the one who cares about me?

"What do you think, I crave for my dad? No Alisa , no. Here both of us , wanted his property. But we can't kill him see. He can't even trust his boys . Nor  did he agreed to give us his property. A man in his fifties should die rather than having girls. So we thought why not come up with something old. We know the relationship of my dad and your mom. So basically we know , he still had feelings for your mom. Such an ass!"

I was half listening to him. The idea that all of this was planned was driving me mad. Andrew and his fucking detective team , they all lied!

"One day then I got a letter from the queen that she wants my company to work with you. Believe me I have never ever set my foot in that building. But we both see this as a great opportunity. We brought up the concept of your mom one day and found he still have feelings for her. So ...I decided to merge with you while Andrew took care of your mom telling her he was on her side telling her tales I asked him to. This was really a big profit for me , you know? Around three hundred girls were taken and sold out at double rates with those ten billions. And now all the property is ours."

I stand up and crossed him. My eyes never darting away from one person. I walked towards him and slapped his face.

"Your fucking plan killed my mom!!"

All the men come forward and hold me preventing me from doing anything. Andrew stand up looking me into my eyes.

Andrew looked at me with one of those composed look of his and moved past me.


"And mind your hands next time . You don't like a hand without fingers will you?"

Harry laughed at my back and Andrew joined him too.

"We should held a party , shouldn't we?", Harry suggested.

"Ofcourse of course."

"Sir what to do with this chick?"

"Oh..Her. Hmm..."

"I have already done it.",Andrew said coming forward,"the queen believes that she had stole those money from her and her entire company has been closed."

I looked back tears coming up .

"Oh my little angel, don't cry.",harry said coming forward and hugging me.

"You put at loss for about hundred people joined in with the company. How will they find a new job now?",I said pushing myself away, "What will Suzanne do?"

"Well...Life is tough. ",Andrew said drinking a glass of wine.

"What should we do with her by the way."

"I help you get this, if it wasn't me then you won't be able to do anything!"

"Thanks for reminding Alisa", harry said,"well...Then you should also be invited at our party, shouldn't she Andrew?"

"Uh...I think we should throw her out. No use now. "

"You bloody mean cheater , I curse you. I curse you to die."

Harry started laughing

"Better lock her in , harry.", Andrew said moving away, changing his mind.

They forced me into a car , Andrew was driving.

Harry was sitting at my side.

But I didn't care about speed today, I didn't care a bloody criminal sitting at my side, I don't care whether I will see tomorrow's day light. The thing that was eating me from inside is that did Andrew really cheated me?

I turn around and see gurudwara glowing in lights, I could hear prayers from a distance as well.

I closed my eyes and hope this moment to pass away.

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