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One year later

I sit on my counter, sipping my coffee. The business was going so good after people started knowing me. I brought myself a new home and a new dog too.

As you can see, Suzanne arrived back exactly after three months. She knew that by that moment I knew a lot and she was sorry but... I passed that moment. At last, it was her life.

She made it.

I just enhanced it a bit.

But only I know, the meaning she gave to my life.

Today, my store is a brand, still I sit in the counter. As promised they gave me 60% of the money. I can say my account has millions stored in it.

I earned that.

And yes, Andrew that idiot left me behind and god knows what mission he is up to now. I really miss him. We talk a little on chat sometimes but it is like this.

I have started talking to people, making more friends and relationships.

If you ask me, how I managed to get out of there? Even, though it didn't seem possible and blah blah shit!

They say life in reality is very complex and you sometimes don't make it and that's okay. I am telling you it's not! It's absolutely not!

You know deep down in there that you could try a million more times. I will say it is okay to be mad, annoyed, sad, depressed but it's not at all okay to give up. The reason, I am saying all this is because... before you guys go and this chapter of my life ends, I just want you to note one thing in life.

Someday someone told me this and that time I thought it to be those useless self confidence boosting quotes but this is so fucking true. Have you ever seen a firefly?

They say just one small firefly could lead you through a long tunnel full of darkness. It has that much light, even though how small it looks. We, humans are blessed with thousands of such fireflies in us in the form of love, hope and power. 

And we didn't even look within ourselves so busy to find our place in the outside world.

At last it all comes down to believing the fact. Those who believe, could even find God in those sand statues so .....just give me a chance.

I make sure I won't disappoint you.

I throw my coffee cup in the bin, bored. A customer approached me keeping a small box on the table.

Tired, I pick it up.

"How much price will I have to pay for this?", he said giving me his card.

Sam Watson

I read the name, and it hit me hard. I looked at the box, opening it.

My jaw dropped as I saw the diamond ring in it. I was so happy when I looked up at the customer as he pulled down his hoodie.

"Sam, you motherfucker, I knew it this would be your name.", I said as I drag him from his collar towards me, kissing him hard.

I was so surprised to see him. He told me he is off to a very important mission he can't share me details of.

I moved apart realizing," And about the price, I often like expensive things so.. This will cost you your time. Your time that should be spend with me at least an hour a day. "

He looked at me smiling," Just an hour? Here."

He give me a identity card of my photo on it. He was offering me the post of junior detective.

Can you believe that?

I looked up at him," Actually I was sitting in the mountains of China, and it struck me that it is impossible to  I proceed on without you. You know how many girls are mad for me? So.."

I hit him on the shoulder," Idiot, won't you make me wear it?", I cried.

He chuckled taking out the ring and fixing it in my finger," Oops it's a bit tight."

I made a face, inserting the ring properly. He won't stop teasing me will he?

I hung the identity card around me and jumped over the counter hugging him, tightly," Finally you got some sense in you? Did you know how much bored I was?"

He picked me up bridal state taking me off. He looked sideways at my workers," I am taking away your boss with me."

I looked up at him as he hold me, smiling as if he won an Oscar.

Sam, you are the biggest firefly of my life because now you reside in me.


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