3 0 0

I looked at her.,"I am sorry Stacy, actually the thing is...I was not clear at that time. Lots going on."

She ignored me packing her stuff.

"Ok listen.", I told her everything.

"I too had a feeling Rickard is weird." ,she said.

"I think we should head to our homes now, we will sort this out tomorrow."

"How tomorrow? You forgot we have to attend the function."

Function.... oh.

"I nearly forgot that."

We make our way out closing the door when my phone started beeping.

I picked it up .

"Hi Alisa, sorry to leave so soon."

"Oh it's alright Emma , you have got your reasons. Moreover I think now you got a boyfriend , you will be coming here at weekends."

She laughed on the other side.

"Well.. thank you for dropping me home that night , I was so scared that how will I face mom and her emotional drama....."

"Wait a minute, I didn't drop you. Didn't you decided to go by yourself?"

"Hehe stop kidding."

"I am serious Alisa . I didn't drop you."

"Then how come..."

Stacy gave me questioning looks. I took a chair and tried to focus.

"But my phone , mom said you gave it to her."

"That's right . That night, when you were in such a hurry to left that you didn't even told me before leaving. I called you after the party to find that your phone was on a sofa in a corner but you weren't there. I got really worried so I went to your house. I was so relieved when aunt told me that you were fast asleep , and I handed your phone to her. Oh my God , Alisa how much did you drink , you didn't even remember a thing."

"Yeah... I maybe have a lot. Ok, just one more thing at what time you reached my house?"

"It was 12:30."

What the hell is going on?

A flash came of what mom told me this morning, taunting me to come at 1:30 in the morning.

"Alisa ? Are you still there ? "

"Yes thanks Emma , meet you soon."


I hung the phone and moved out with Stacy.

"Where are you going?"

"To The Palace hotel. Wanna come?"


We parked my car in front of the pub and moved out. Stacy was quite shocked when I told her what was going on.

"I knew it , that I was missing something. ",I said looking at her.

"Excuse me , ma'am . ",Sara said to the receptionist. When receptionist saw me , she gave us a warm greetings and asked how she could help.

We don't want to give her any hint that I was there the last night.

"Ah...one of our friend told us that there was some party here last night maybe, right?"

Oh my God, I should be a actor.

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh actually we can't find her , we are trying her phone but she isn't picking it up, can you please allow us to see the CCTV footage? So that we could have any idea of her whereabouts.", Sara said.

She is a good actor too

"Yeah sure ma'am ."

She opened her laptop searching ,"what time ma'am?"

"It should be around...maybe eleven."

It was the time we reached there. We took the laptop from here not at all wanting her to see anything.

The video showed us entering the hall , meeting a group of guys , then Emma walking away with Fred. Then me showing the middle finger ..."

But I pretend not to notice. Then me going to a corner doing nothing.

Then nothing...

We forward it a little .

"Stop stop right there ."

We saw a woman in a mask coming to me with a tray of brownies.

It was like someone had punched something in my head . Scenes started coming . But I wasn't sure enough . We continue to watch. Me eating all the brownies...

Then me pushing myself as forward as I could..... going to the bar counter taking a tray full of bear and moving over a table where three men were sitting.

"Yes yes that's Rickard.", I quickly put a hand on my mouth . I have shouted aloud.

"My friend's friend. ",I said looking at the receptionist who gave me a shocked look.

"Are you sure?", Sara asked me.

And then pushing of table , me talking to men , hell know what? And Rickard moving out and then me.

"I remember , I saw a man with a gun , thought it to be Rickard . To check I moved to the table, they were talking about something. Rickard was saying them that he will pay him money and was carrying...a cheque in his pocket. That's when I shouted that he was lying. He ran out , leaving me. Those guys thought that I was with him ..so I ran too.", I mumbled as things came into my mind.

"How do you know that's Rickard?"

"How I know?....ah I...."

Then again I got lost.

"Ok Alisa focus, tell me what Happened after that. "

"After that.. I remember walking out..and ... And.. I don't remember."

"Alright let's drive you home first, you are stressing yourself a lot."

We thanked the receptionist and moved out ....me still thinking so Sara drive the car.

How can I be so dumb? I don't remember a thing.

The guy had wavy hair so I thought him to be Rickard. But how come I became assure of that.

We parked and moved in my house. My mom welcomed Sara , hugging her.

To mention, she never got so Happy when she sees me.

"Suzy , go and bring in something for your friend to eat.", she said taking her to the sofa.

Really , me ?

I moved to the kitchen and brought in some chips and cold drinks while my mother continued to pamper her.


Mom always preferred Sara, she said Sara was well mannered.

"Here have some chips and cold drinks." I said grinning , very Happy I was able to put down the tray without smashing the glasses on the floor.

"What is this, Suzy? Cook something for her . Is this what you gonna serve her?"

I dropped myself to the sofa and lay on it totally ignoring her. We really have come close in these few days.

" I am going to the room to change , i think someone had forgot that i am too tired and had just reached home from office."

"Ok then give Sara a pair of your casuals too, it's to late for her to go home now, isn't it sara?"


Hey everyone! I hope you can all relate this behaviour of our dear parents with us whenever we have a guest

Well i stay in my room in that case..

And what you think is alisa 's mother hiding from her?

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