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I woke up with a dizziness in my head. I removed my blanket and make my way to the bathroom.

After I came out and looked at the time.

Holy shit.

"Mom! Mom! ",I shouted making my way downstairs. I spot her in the kitchen making lime soda.

"It is ten a.m. ! ",I said looking at her.


"You should have woke me up. Now I will be late for the office."

"You should have thought it before going to the pub last night  and coming home at 1:30!"

Oh shit!

"Mom, I am sorry for not informing you . See you won't allow for it, will you?"

"Of course not!"

"Emma was not here for a whole year ,ma . I am sorry."

"That's fine but a boy answered your phone. Are you seeing someone?"

"A boy?", I try to strain harder, trying to remember what happened.

"Okay, stop overacting and make sure to tell me where you are going from next time. Your phone is on the table."


Wait a minute...my phone?

Well I went to pub , took the corner seat and  put my phone there. After that..how I reached home?

"Mom who dropped the me here?"

"Emma of course. You didn't told me you had such an amazing friend."

"Where's she? Emma?"

"Yeah , back to America. There was a medical emergency . One of her friend got into an accident."

"Oh, well I'll freshen up then and head to office straight after that."


It was 11 a.m. when I reached the office. I quickly made my way to the front gate.

"Ma'am ma'am!"

Not again.

"Ma'am we heard your company and Harry Winston's company are doing a project together?"

"At last with a real news . Yes , we are. It is for the Queen's sister wedding."

"But we heard that your relationship with that company is not that good. How come you two agreed on the project?"

"The queen asked, how could we disagree.", I give her my sweetest smile and move in.

The receptionist greeted me as I entered. I smiled back. I was about to take the lift when I saw Rickard sitting on one of the sofas  in cargo pants and a very... nice black shirt engrossed in his phone.


"This is an office . Not your PlayStation mister!!"

He didn't look up, "I have this new game called tom and Jerry chase. Wanna play?"

Is he kidding me?

"Are you crazy? First of all you never come to office , least interested in the project but only money and even if you come after about three days what you do is to play games? And seriously tom and Jerry?"

"Alright ", he stand up and moved off .

"Where are you going? "

"None of your business."

"Then why did you came?"

He didn't answer and moved off.


"Ah.. excuse me ma'am . Do you Know him?", the receptionist asked .

"Yeah , one of our "not so persistent" members. Why?"

She looked a bit tensed, "Actually before you came, just ten minutes ago, him and Mr Harry both were talking here , well... hissing in a rush tone. Harry was very angry as I could make from his expressions but Rickard was just sitting idly watching his phone , giving him a "I don't give a fuck' look."

I knew it.  There is definitely something going on.

"Thanks marina . Could you do me a favor?", She nodded. "You always stay here, will you keep a look on who's going and coming and tell me if you found something unusual?"

"Yeah sure ma'am."


"You should stay where you are. You got it?", Kate Said looking at Sara"you are just jealous of me."

"Me? Jealous of you? Bless your delusional heart kate!"

"You fucking..."

"What's going on here?!!!",I said slamming the door shut.

"I think you were right ma'am when you said we shouldn't work with them. Right here you can see an example of full wastage of time?", she said pointing at Kate.

This is the office, under my guidance.

"Wait a minute . Tell me what happened first.", I said trying to calm her down.

"According to my calculations there's a overall expenditure of fifty million dollars but she says it to be seventy.", Sara said.

"No problem. I will directly contact to Nick . He had just been contacted to confirm goods and their prices. He will tell us."

Kate rolled her hair , totally bored.

"Hello, nick?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Can you just do a total and tell me how much expenditure we have to make?"

"Yeah sure, wait a sec . "

I looked at others who were very interested to see who wins.

"It should be around seventy. "

"Uhm...Okay thanks Nick."

I turned to others, "I think you should recheck your calculation Sara."

I moved back to my cabin and opened up my laptop to check the CCTV footage. My mind was still revolving around it.

It was just as daisy said.

Harry coming out of the lift , going over to Rickard... talking to him . After one minute his face shows pure sign of anger while Rickard was the same, not at all bothering. After harry went out in pure dissatisfaction, Rickard looked at the camera and winked.

What the fuck?

Leave it Alisa better complete up with the project as fast as you can.

In the evening, I locked my cabin and checked the whole floor. Everyone had left , I was about to leave as well when I observed that the light of the computer lab was on . I make my way up to it to saw Sara working on a computer , one hand pressing her forehead.

"What are you doing?"

I said sitting beside her.

"It is been only one week for you Alisa."

She called me by name, this should be deadly serious.

"I have been working here from 3 years now. Never ever I got a mistake in my work. Nor have I now. It is just trust you don't have in me."

She shift the screen to me.

"I hope you know each and every jewel's price , now look at it on your own. "

I looked at a table showing how much grams of each jewel was taken , then multiplied and added up.

I rechecked again.

"Holy shit , where are they taking the remaining twenty millions?"


Life Gives A ChanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz