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I and Andrew got settled in a cafeteria with our plates full of food. People were giving us strange stares . But we can't help it.

"So what's now?", i asked.

He took out a paper and unfold it.

It was a map.

"Listen it is good enough that we aren't caught yet because of this uniform. Otherwise you can't even imagine where are you living. See this, ", he pointed to the main building we have seen before, located at the centre. "This is where harry lives and executes his planes. The other industries include all those drugs and  stealed automobiles. But be careful alisa. Most likely the things you do it can lead to you been living on drugs. Please don't trust anyone here."

I nodded.

"And....i think that Abdullah is here to make a new buisiness with harry. This should only be the reason. "

"How are you so casual about this! Don't you think we should save lives of those innocent people!!", i started.

He held his head in his hand as few people stared at us.

"Ah...just a newbie. ", he waved off.

Oh now i get it.

He continued," so first of all we have to see where these people are trapped, second we have to get harry and some proof against him."


A speaker bursted ," Attention attention! The food department. Delivery to the dungeon. "

"They should have put more cheese to the sandwich. ", i said chewing.

He shake his disapprovingly, smiling.

"What are you both sitting at and eating, don't you heard the announcement. ", a man come in front of us screaming.

We both looked up from our plates , our mouth full of food.

I swallowed the food and stand up," who the hell you think you shouting at . Do you know who am i, huh?"

First you have to rescue two lifes with a single life jacket , fight with animals, dress like a boy and spent this all time with a stupid jerk and then i can't even have food? Are you kidding me?

"Umm...yes sir we were just going to the kitchen. ", andrew held me from back and pushed me aside.

I grabbed my shake ," this is mine. ", i glared at the man.

We backed off towards the kitchen .

"Don't they have any other servants?"

"Maybe but do we want someone else to go ."

I nod.

He didn't respond to that ignoring me.

We entered into a big room and saw people working. We head to the chef,"excuse me where is the tray that has to be taken to the dungeon?"

"Oh you mean the boxes. Someone already take it. See there."

We saw four men from a distance. We followed them. They entered the same building we had entered before, but they were not going to the lift . They moved straight into the hallway.

I looked at andrew,"i heard voices coming from there when we were here before. I think we should have a check. "

We approached to two of them.

"Umm...stop . Give it to us. Because see we are new here and are not reliable. The chef want some reliable ones to serve the food to Sir Abdullah upstairs. "

Their eyes lit up while the other two were thinking why we hadn't asked them.

But the thing was obvious. Its time for dinner.  There should be someone to provide Abdullah with the dinner.

So we took the wheel cart from them which contained two big boxes and followed the other two.

The hallway lead onto a underground basement. The light was dim. I strained hard to see but once it was visible, I panicked .

There were small cells where people, more specifically young teenage girls were being kidnapped. But they didn't respond seeing us. They were just laying on the floor their eyes half open.

Oh shit! Are they drugged?

We moved forward as the guards looked at us.

"Put them there on the table."

The other two put their head down and walked. God what happened to them.

But then i get it when i reached to the end room. Some of them even doesn't have clothes to wear on.

Tears come up to my eyes as i saw red marks on their bodies.

Then my eyes landed on a small girl.

Badly injured.

Was looking at me.

Tears were in her eyes.

She was confused.

In a stage where she should play with dolls she was experiencing this.


I shut my eyes my hands trembling. Andrew put the boxes on the table hold my hand and took me out of that area in a fast pace.

When we come out , I observed his eyes being all red. We are definitely not allowing this to happen anymore.

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