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You know someone who never has a luck around.

Well i can say that's me. Whatever i do , i don't know why i ended up with them.

"Alright girls its time for your performance. Make sure you move your ass properly daizy."


We move forward in line me being last . It was a opposite v shape that we have to make. I look at the girl whose at another corner last position. She give me a thumbs up.

I give her a thumbs up back. What you expect me to do then?

I looked forward. Around two hundred people. I saw harry at the front desk talking with a group of men laughing.

I spotted andrew sitting at the bar counter flirting with a girl.

The music started.

I looked down and try to hide myself behind the girl in front of me. I copied there steps.

One two three four.

One two..two three.

Three three three.

Seriously these people don't know how to dance, i will definitely teach them.

Now come the moment i really feared. We all have to move around in a circle swaying our hands.

I put my hands containing pomp pomps up making sure that those pomp pomps hide my face and sway with others.

My life has turned into a drama!

Once i get back to my position, i sighed. But then i saw andrew staring at me.

Oh no

I looked down. Oh i had to dance as well. I looked at others and started dancing again. Once the performance was over i run back to the green room and took out the gun from my trousers and hide it under the hem of my skirt.

"Girls well done. "

But i don't wanna heard about any appreciation. I make my way out taking these girls van keys.

I quickly got into the car and started driving it taking it to god knows where. I was really now so tired , my mind pacing up and down.

Then i thought why even i am hiding? Its over , all over. I took the van to a remote place and stopped it. I saw a small shop at a side selling food. I don't have money but i am hungry. I moved down. There was a tv placed in the shop. News was going on.

Just usual days for these people, i thought.

"The waves are seemingly too high , so better be aware tonight. The current flowing in tremendous speed . People living near shores better be alert. " a lady spoke through the tv.

"Ah..every day the same news . Haven they gonna show anything else to island inhabitants. ", the shopkeeper said to a customer.

"Its really risky living here , no?"

"Can say, but ...don't worry. They don't have anything else to say. "

Then it stuck me and i searched the van. I found some cash in a bag .

I moved over to the shop,"excuse me"


"One pizza with extra cheez, a coke , a burger double decker one , white sauce pasta ....ummm that's it."

He looked at me in a strange manner and then nodded. I handed him the money and took my tray to a table.

And then i started eating like an animal. I have been starving for one and a half day now. But have to say the food was tasty.

Life Gives A ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now