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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


Black I can see all black. I was here in some place in pitch black when a ray of light suddenly shines brigthly when I looked at the light I saw my sister rome with her long curly hair, she was wearing her favorite light blue long summer dress and a pair of white sandals. Rome looked at me with her lovely smile.

"What are you doing here big brother?", I heard her asked making me frown.

"What are you talking rome, I don't understand?", I replied and rome slowly walks to me until she was in front of me. Rome lifted her hand and touched my right cheek. Yes this really was my sister, the same old touched that makes my body comfortable. I smiled happily.

"Come back big brother, I need you there not here, come back to me", I heard rome said in a sad tone making me look at her in total confusion.

"Rome, I really don't understand?", I said. Then all of a sudden images played to my head the time that off told me that gun was in the hospital. I hurriedly speed up my car and I can remember that the brake didn't work and my car crashed to the tree and that what I remembered before I lost my conciousness.

"Big brother come back to me, I need you", I heard rome one last time as she dissappeared from my sight. I felt my body being pulled away.

When I opened my eyes, white ceiling greets me when I looked at my side I can see sing.

"D.......Din.........", I tried to talked even my head and throat hurts. I saw sing stirred in his sleep and he looked at me.

"Thanks God tay you're awake now?", sing asked in worry.

"What happened?", I asked.

"You have an accident your car crashed to a tree, your car was in a total wreck it's a miracle that you only got a minor injuries tay, I'm so worried when the hospital called me informing that you were here", sing informed me and I listened but I remembered my sister.

"Din where's my sister, before the accident happened off informed me that my sister was in a hospital where is she din?", I hurriedly asked as I felt myself starts to panic.

"sleeping in her room in this hospital we can visit him later on but for now you need to rest", I heard sing and I smiled in relief.

"Alright din, I'm glad that he was fine", I said as I laid down again and close my eyes.


"His fine npw off he woke up earlier and insisted to see his sister", I heard sing told me when he closed the door to guns room.

"Thank you sing", I replied to him and he nod to me. I looked at gun who was currently laying in the bed sleeping peacefully. The doctor told me that it was only fatique maybe because of his schedule and the painful momeries thats hunts him.

"Wake up my princess," I lovingly said to gun while stroking his pale cheeks.

"She's fine off don't be stress it's bad you know", sing teasingly said to me.

"Yeah, I know but I'm really in a panic earlier when he suddenly collapsed in my arms, I thought that her illness came back again", I honestly said.

Arrogant & Mischief (FINISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon