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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"No matter how much time I spend with you, I can never ever get enough of you. Your love is forever mine and I need you everyday."


Tay's condo was in chaos, two people is running around the room full of laughters.

"Pick give that to me!!!", gun screamed while he was chasing off.

"Come and get it rome haha", off replied as he runs with a pillow in his hand guns favorite pillow.

"I will definitely tell this to my brother pick", gun screamed in frustrasion but off just ignored him and he continued to run.

"Ohooo did the princess lost her agility you're going slower now my princess", off stop and turned to gun teasingly and he swayed the pillow in his hands.

"You!!!!!,I'm not slow I'm just tired so please love give my pillow back", gun said as he put his hands together and use his cute face.

Off smile and all of a sudden he kissed gun in the lips making the boy stunned with wide eyes. Gun pushed off away.

"Papii don't suprised me like that", gun slowly said with his both hands in his blushing cheeks.

"Haha you're so cute my love", off lovingly said.

"Papii!!!!!!", gun screamed.

"Eheeeeeem", tay suddenly coughed to the two. The two looked at tay and they saw tay in its serious face as tay eyed his condo.

"What's happened to my condo the last time that I remember I left it clean but now?", tay asked his brow knotted.

"Big brother, it was picks fault he kidnapped my pillow", gun exclaimed as he run to tay and cling to tays arms.

"Fine I'll surrender here's your pillow love", off said as he handed gun his pillow and gun accept it happily.

"That's enough guys take a shower gun we will go to the ocean park today my treat", tay said to his brother.

"Really!!!!, thank you big brother", gun excitetedly said as he hug tay and he turned to kissed off to his cheeks before going to the bathroom.

"She's still the same mischievous and lovely princess that we knew", off said as he eyed the bathroom door with a smile.

"Don't be suprised anymore off that's rome and at the same time that's our gun they have the same personality but still I'm happy that she is finally with us again", tay replied to off.

After the three done in taking a bath. They sat at the dining table to eat their breakfast.

"Hmmmm, it's delicious P'tay did you cook it?", gun asked as he scoop a spoon og soup and taste it.

"Yes nong I cooked that it's one of my secret recipe", tay proudly said to his brother.

"You're so proud tay, but I must say this food was not bad", off teasingly said to tay.

"Hey off just eat there, I'm not asking about your opinion so shut up", tay said to off making off laugh and he eats again.


We were now currently at the ocean park here in bangkok. Gun was happily looking at the different species of marine life here and he seems so happy.

"This is our first trip pete and I think he really love it", I heard off said beside me making me smile while looking to my little brother.

"Yes pick and this will be the start I want him to enjoy every moment of it, you know that I really love my sister and now that she was finally back I'm willing to give him everything that he wants", I replied to off and he just nodded to me with a smile.

"I'll help you with that pete we will make sure that he will stay happy and always smiling no matter what", off exclaimed making the two of the laugh.

"Whay are you laughing?", they heard gun asked and they looked at him.

"Nothing nong why are you here the fishes are there", I told to my brother as I point to an aquarium

"This is our trip P'tay so why were you two was just there standing come on lets go wander", gun excitedly said as he pulls me and off towards him.

"Alright calm down gun we were going you don't need to pull us anymore", I heard off said to his lover.

"Come faster you two I want to see a dolphin", gun ignored what tay and off said and he continued to pulls them.

The two just laugh as they surrender to guns pulling. After the ocean park they went to a restaurant and they ordered their food to eat.

It's already five oclock in the afternoon when the three decided to go home.

"Gun let's sleep again to my condo this night", tay asked his brother and gun nodded.

"What about you off do you want to join?", gun asked his lover.

"Sorry gun I have a series filming tomorrow I will sleep at my condo tonight", off replied to gun.

"How bad but it's ok papii please be careful i love you", gun lovingly replied to his lover as he kissed him to the cheeks.

"Goodnight gun", off replied.

"Goodnight papii",


"P'pete look at the sky the stars are beautiful", gun told me as he pointed to the sky above us. We were both here in the balcony of my condo we decided to sleep under the sun.

"Yes it was really beautiful gun like you", I said to him as I looked at his shy face.

"P'pete you always teased me I'm a man now not the princess you knew", gun aswered to me but still in my heart he was my princess my lovely sister. I turned to him and hugged him tightly suprising him.

"I really miss you my dear sister!!!!", I silently weep to his neck.

"It's fine now P'pete I'm here now please don't be sad anymore", gun replied to me.

"Don't leave big brother too soon again my princess promise me", I seriously told gun but his eyebrow turn to frown in confusion.

"What are you talking about big brother did I die too soon?", gun said in total confusion.

I remembered that he didn't have his whole memories so its still like a puzzle needed to be whole.

"Nothing gun your big brother was such a worrywart don't mind me", I hurriedly said to stop him from thinking something.

"If you say so P'pete, lets go to sleep P goodnight", gun said to as he kissed my cheeks and after that he snuggled into my chest and fall asleep instantly.

"Goodnight my princess, welcome back", I whispered to him as I embraced him tightly afraid of letting him go again.


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