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(Note: Sorry for tthe wrong grammar. English is not my first language. Thank you.I hope you enjoy 😊)

" you're innocent but in the same time you know things more than the others, you're mischievous but in the same time those words you said have a full meaning behind it."



A sixteen year old brown eyed princess with a wavy curled hair, in a blue dress that reaching her kness was sitting properly in a bench in their palace garden while holding a freesia flower when suddenly her sight was covered by a pair of hands.

"Guess who?" , said the voice in her ears.
" prince pick it was only you, this kind of trick of yours was too old is there a new one mr. Arrogant?", the princess replied while eyeing the prince.

" haha, why are you so peevish my dear princess?", the prince told her while sitting beside her in the bench.

"Because your gestures are easy to read my prince but I like this behavior of yours pick you are becoming to open up yourself to others", the princess replied with the smile.

" maybe you already melt the arrogant behavior of mine in this past 8 years my princess, so don't be shock anymore", he replied to the princess while looking at the flower that the princess held.
" I'm glad if that was tha case my prince", the princess smiled.

"What is the name of that flower Rome, you're always have that with you?", the prince questioned the princess.

" It was a freesia flower it's my favorite flower, do you know the meaning of this flower my prince", rome said to pick.

" If I'm not mistaken that flower symbolizes innocence and thoughtfulness", the prince replied while looking to the flower.

" yes pick that was the meaning of this flower, here", the princess said as she hand the flower to pick and pick accepted it.

" why did you gave it to me?", pick questioned.

" that flower symbolizes us pick I maybe innocent and always stays behind your back but as long as I stayed in your back I will be able to see the real you behind that mask you will always wear behind that arrogant behavior you are showing there is a side that I will always like to you, your side of being thoughtful to others," the princess told the prince.

" you treat the other people bad enough that they will turn their back from you, but I know you only doing that for them to be more independent, for them to be more brave, you're so thoughtful my prince and I'm glad that I can always see that side of yours even if it was a only a glimpse", the princess continued as she looked to the prince eyes.

" you're innocent but in the same time you know things more than the others, you're mischievous but in the same time those words you said have a full meaning behind it, and I'm so thankful to you Rome for every step of life you are there behind my back to always catch me and rescue me if I need it", the prince said to the princess in a sincere tone.

" enough of that pick haha being sincere is not so you you're so funny but I must say thank you for thinking me as that and welcome prince pick you are always welcome", the princess said and she grabbed the hand of the prince and they ran to the field full of flowers.

"Thank you my princess,my love", the prince whispered to himself.



I opened my eyes as the sun rays reached my eyes here again that dreams about a girl and a boy but for some reason that was all I remembered but everytime I dream about them I just felt love and all love. I feel the care and love that the boy have to the girl and also the love and happiness the girl has to the boy like they were always like that. But still the questioned is who was those two and whats my connection to those two why does I always dreamed about them.

But enough of that because today I have a new project in the making. I'm in gmm for a month now and they got me a project already I feel so blessed right now. I still don't know more about this series but they said that it was a love story and comedy on it because I'm new I will only start as a supporting role but that was fine for me. They only said that my partner in this series was a boy but now they are still searching for the proper actor who can do it, also so it was have a bl content in it but its a modern world now bl series are now welcome here in thailand and in other countries so its ok.

I cooked my food and yes I know how to cook I learned because we need it to survive because my mother left when I was young so it just me, my father and my sister only as the oldest I need to help my father in anything that I can. The meeting will be held at 10 oclock in the morning and now its almost 8 so I still have 2 hours to spend.


I arrived at the building exactly 9:30. As I exited my car I saw P'off in a distance.

"Good morning, P'off", i greeted him in a polite tone.

"Good morning to you too, shorty", he replied to me in a smirk.

" hey P' you're a bully you're just a bit tall so I'm not a shorty!!!", i told him in a pissed tone.

"Haha just admit it nong you are short end of discussion", he said to me while laughing. I was so pissed that in any moment I can hit him.

" hey, you two what's the matter?", p'tay suddenly showed up wrapping his arm arround P'off shoulder.

" P'tay good morning, mr. Arrogant here is getting to my nerves again", i replied to p'tay while pointing at off.

"Don't bully the nong anymore off hes so sweet and cheerful", p'tay said to p'off.

" tay are you taking his side now I'm your friend bro take my side!!!", off exclaimed to tay.

"You're bullying him bro"

"But he also bullied me he called me mr. Arrogant"

" cause you are p'off", i suddenly said to p'off.

"And you are short, shorty", he replied to me. I starred I him ready to punch him any moment.

"Ok enough guys, sorry nong for his attitude na", p'tay said

"Lets go now off ", p'tay tagged along p'off. I just sighed. I just hate p'off guts his really getting to my nerves lately.


" don't give up on him, he is not what you think he is"


I suddenly halted in my place. I heard a voice of a girl in my head, who was that is that just my imagination or what and who is this person that she was talking about don't give up to who?.......


I get my phone and anwered it.

" where are you gun? It almost 10 already?", my manager asked in the other line.

Shia I almost forgot my meeting for the series. This was all p'off fault.

" I'm sorry P' I'll be right there I was on my way to the elevator", i told her.

"Ok gun. Bye", she replied to me and I ended the phone call.

I hurriedly got in the elevator.

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