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(Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language. Thank you.)
Ps. I used some of offgun moments and some of gmmtv actors (credits to offgun and to gmmtv).


Monday morning few days before the gmm's little mouse birthday. Gun currently sitting in front of toys inside P'godji office. The whole office was in chaos due to the many schedule that their artist have most of it was the offgun,kristsingto and taynew couple in the last year these three couples gathered the interest of many local and international fans in the world and due to that the company was flooded by requests from the fans.

"Ohhh, super chaos here", gun commented as he eyed every person that passed him.

"And it was partly because of you son", godji replied to her so called son.

"Mom, its also the others not just me", gun told to godji and he hugged her.

Godji just smiled to the smaller one and she returnedthe hugged. Gun was so loved by all of them because of his caring personality, the little one greets everyone a good morning everyday, gun also asked and talked to everyone, gun became the ball of happiness of the whole company for last couple of months.

"mom, does papii going here today?", gun asked his mom as he returned to play the toy.

"I don't know son he informed me yesterday that he will have some other appoinment today", godji informed gun. Gun looked at godji in a confused look.

"Some other appointment?but if I'm not mistaken we are free today", gun replied to his mother.

"I'm not sure what it is, wait son were you missing my son in law?", godji teased gun.

"No, mom I just looking for him that's all", gun replied to his mother.

"Ok if you say so"


It's already lunch time but I can't still get a glimpse of papii. I was currently sitting here in a sofa with tay and new they have a fb live earlier for their fans after that they played and talked to me.

"Nong gun did you already ate lunch?", p'tay asked me.

"Not yet P'tay why?"

"Nong would you like to go with us for lunch were going to a japanese restaurant around here", P'new informed me and tay nodded.

I agreed to them and we left the gmm with P'noom and P'kwang. We arrived at a japanese restaurant. We seated and ordered our food and as we were about to eat my eyes catch a sight of off. He was sitting not far from us with a girl they looked like a couple in the first sight. I turned to P'tay to asked him.

"P' is that's papii?", I pointed to the couple seatednot to far from us. P'tay also looks at them.

"Ohhh yes nong that was off with his girlfriend lyn", p'tay replied to me. The others also looks at them.

"He has a girlfriend?", P'new also asked tay.

"Yes if I'm not mistaken they were already a year and half in relationship"

"Wait let's call them", p'tay suddenly said and he lifted his hands and calls off.

"Hey off bro"

Papii and the girl looks to us and smiled papii grabbed the hands of the girl and guided her to us.

"Hey guys what are you doing here?", off questioned us.

"We were having a dinner here and you are you on a date?", P'noom asked off.

"Yes P'noom guys I was like you to meet my girlfriend lyn", off happily introduced us to his girlfriend.

"Lyn that was P'noom,P,kwang our staffs and tay new and gun my co workers",

"Hello", mook greeted us and she offered a hand and we happily accepted it.

The two transferred in our table and after that we eat.


The group was so loud they were talking about work and their life. They were also some wine in the table. Gun excuses himself as he goes to the toilet. After some minutes gun exited the toilet to be suprised by lyn being there outside waiting for him.

"Did I suprise you nong?", lyn asked gun as she turns and look at gun.

"Do you need something P?",

"I would like to know your relationship to off", lyn asked as he eyed gun.

"No P we were just close friend and partner in work thats all", gun in formed lyn.

"Good and I like it to stay that way nong, because I don't like when others steal what is mine", lyn told gun as she step closer to the smaller one.

"Yes P", gun replied to her in a frighten voice.

"Good just remember what I said nong", lyn whispered to gun and she walks away gun remained standing still shocked to the turn of events.

After five minutes Gun returns to his seat.

"Why did you take long in the toilet nong gun", tay asked gun.

"It's nothing P'tay", gun replied to tay but he can feel that someone is looking at him as he turns to that person he found that it was lyn who was looking at him.

Gun remains silent for the whole time afraid of what will happened if he made a mistake. Around 5 off and mook left the restaurant. Tay grabbed gun in the shoulders and look at him in worry.

"Gun are you ok",

"Yes P it was nothing don't worry to much", gun replied to tay with a smile.

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