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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience."


"Where are you two going?", tay questioned off and gun as he saw them leaving the condo.

"We're going on a date P'", gun happily replied to his brother while his arms was clinging to off arm.

"A date and why nobody informed me about it?", sing added with his arms crossed in front of him. Off and gun laugh nerviously.

"But P's we will be going to be bored here, you two have work later so we decided to go to the shopping center to hangout but I must say it's really a date", gun said with a smile to his two brothers.

"And you?", tay starred at off waiting to his reason.

"His the boss tay if my princess wish for a date, I gladly granted his wish just like that so don't ask me again gun was the one you need to interview", off said and gun jump.

"See p's I told you we're going to a date, I'm excited", gun screamed and he hugged his brother tay. Tay sighed in defeat while sing shakes his head.

"Alright fine, but be back at exactly eight, we will have dinner together", tay said to the two making them nod. Off and gun waved to tay and sing as they leave the condo.

"Don't worry tay,", sing said to tay as the door close.

"I'm not worried sing, in fact I'm happy that gun starts to act normal again he smiles cheerfully and lovingly if this he called dates will make him happy, I'm gladly permits him every time that he ask for a permission", tay said with a smile.

"Haha rome was really spoiled by you", sing commented.

"Look who's talking you also spoiled him", tay countered and they laugh as they realised that it was true.


"After this where do you want to go love?", off asked his lover gun. They we're currently at the malls restaurant eating their lunch. Beside them was a shopping bags full of their new things together. Earlier while on their shopping they were recognised by some of their babiis and they took a photo with them.

"What about a zoo papii, I want to see a meerkat", gun excitedly said as he ate his sushi.

"Hmmm yes we can do that a meerkat that's really cute like you", off teased his lover who suddenly turned red in shyness.

"Papii don't tease me," gun said with a pout making off laugh.

"Alright now,now sorry let's eat",

It's already three oclock in the afternoon when they arrived to the zoo. Gun run out of the car excitedly as he went to the ticket section. Off bought two tickets and gun pulled off inside the zoo while he was looking to the meerkat.

"Look papii a meerkat they were so cute", gun said while jumping in happiness.

"Slow down love if you jump like that you might slip and hurt yourself," off worriedly told to gun and gun nodded.


Off phones ring and he answered it.


"Hey tay what's up?", off asked while his still looking to gun who was happily watching the meerkat.

"How's my little brother off?", tay asked making off smile and laugh.

"Tay don't worry guns fine we were here in a zoo, he like to see a meerkat", off informed tay.

"Alright, that's a relief ok see you later off take care of my brother", tay announced to off.

Off said yes and again he looked to gun. After an hour they were now sitting on a bench.

"Do you like an ice cream gun?",

"Yes papii thank you",

Off left gun to the bench as he buy an ice cream but when he got back he saw gun gripping his chest and his breathing was shallow off panic and he drop the ice cream as he run to his lover.

"Hey gun are you alright?", off asked worriedly when he saw how hurt gun was.

"Papii my chest hurts, ..........I can't breath properly ha.....ha.......ha....", gun replied to him in a hurt tone.

"Stand up were going to the hospital love hang on don't faint on me gun, I'm not in a good shape now I'm starting to panic", off said to gun and he helped gun to stand but before he even make gun stand gun suddenly fainted in his arms making off screamed in panic.

"Rome!!!!!!!, baby wake up rome!!!!!!!",


"Hello", I answered my phone when I saw off calling me.

"Tay where are you?", I heard the panic in off voice making my heart race.

"Why off, what's the matter wheres my brother?", I tried to stay calmed as I wish that it was nothing.

"Tay were at the hospital gun suddenly felt chest pains and he collapsed go here now I already called sing his on his way", my whole body stopped functioning as I heard what he said what chest pain no please don't make romes disease came again. I suddenly speed up my car but when I step on the brake my eyes widened when I realized that its not working.

I was in panic beacause of the cars in front of me and I turned my car straight to the tree. My car collided againsts the tree and I felt my whole body hurt fluid was flowing from my head. My vision starts to blur.



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