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(Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language. Thank you.)
Ps. I used some of offgun moments and some of gmmtv actors (credits to offgun and to gmmtv).

Pick and Rome


The whole kingdom of Sapphire is busy because of their only prince birthday. The castle maids is currently running everywhere preparing the royal birthday ball. Yes a ball that the whole kingdom and the other kingdom is invited, it is also a ball for the prince to finally find the princess that will be the prince other half. So the king and queen invites every princess of the other kingdom attend the prince birthday.

"Faster everyone the ball will be held this evening and we need to make our last preparation done", the head of the organizer told all of the staff.

"Is everything alright?", the organizer turns to the voice of the king.

"Yes my king everything was ready", the organizer told the king as he bowed.

"Perfect!!! I'm so excited my king our prince was going to meet his future partner", the queen told her king in a happy tone.

"Haha, my queen we already know who's the lucky girl that he will pick in the ball later", the king replied to his queen.

"I know my king but still I'm excited", the queen replied while giggling.

Meanwhile, the prince was currently walking back and forth to his room while in a deep thinking.

"What are you worried about pick?", his general and friend two asked pick as white eyed him.

"Did the messanger that delivered the letter to emerald kingdom arrives?", pick asked back to two. Two just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Yes, pick I've already told you a while later did'nt I, the messanger arrived and he told me that the king and queen already recieved the letter, so don't worry to much",

Pick stopped walking and looked to white.

"What if she was'nt capable to attend, what if her parents and brother forbid her to go her, what if she suddenly felt weak and can't travel,what if....", pick informed white as he starts to become paranoid. Teo walked to pick and hold his shoulder to steady and to calm him.

"Did you really think pick that princess rome will not be able to attend your birthday, that was impossible my prince like you she was so stubborn even if the king and queen forbid her to attend she will think of a plan to escape just to attend here, so please stop worrying have faith your princess will be here tonight",

"Yah, I must have faith because rome were always there every year to celebrate my birthday so she will be here", pick told two.


"Is this pretty emma", a lovely voice was heard in a room full of different dresses. Emma just smiled and looked at her princess.

Arrogant & Mischief (FINISHED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя