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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. Englosh is not my first language.

"I collect the parts Piece by piece,
To makes the shattered whole,
Pure Love that was forgotten,
Will find it's way back home,
The prince will meet his princess again."


Tay and off arrived at the restaurant. They saw the private investigator the off hired for this special mission to find and retrived the ring off once gave to his princess rome.

"Good morning sirs?", the investigator greeted the two as they all seated. Off and tay nodded and looked at him.

"Can we see it?", off asked as he eyed his investigator he needs to see the ring and confirmed it. The investigator smiled and get his back he grabbed something inside of it and when he lifted it off saw a small box.

"Here it is sir I found it in one of the popular jewelry store here in thailand", the investigator informed off who nods and accept the small box. Off opened it reveiling the ring that he gave to his princess when he proposed to her. Off thoughts flew to past again.


It is prince pick ball again and this time no one knew what it is about. The sapphire kingdom just invite the others kingdoms for a ball but no reason was told. Slowly the other kingdom royalties arrives.

"Princess rome how are you today?", two asked the emerald kingdom princess who was his prince lover for almost a year now. Rome smiled to two and she stand at his front making her blue cinderella dress like twirl beautifully and the necklace that pick gave to her was the only jewelry that she wore.

"I'm fine two thank you, hmmm may I ask why there is a ball here in your kingdom?", the princess asked in confusion. "Ohhh and by the way why I'm here with you the ball room was on the other side of this castle"

"Don't worry my princess your safe to me, the prince just told me to seperate you from the others, maybe he has a suprise for you", two said with a teasing voice. Rome holds her chin as she thought about the suprise.

"I'm not sure two we just celebrated our anniversary last month, hmmm my birthday but its on october and its just june now for his birthday nah its already late for that", rome talked to herslef as she tried to remember the occasion two just eyeing her with a smile.

After an hour of waiting the whole guest arrived already and pick was standing in his throne. The ballroom door opened reveiling rome with her confused looked two was guiding her to pick. Pick smiled as he saw romes dress the most beautigul dress in this whole room all eyes was on her princess. Rome and two arrived at his front and pick suddenly kneel in front of his lover making rome shocked.

"Hmmm love what are you doing?", rome whispered to his lover.

"Rome my love I'm here in front of you not as a prince but your arrogant and spoiled pick, not the prince that hated by everybody but the pick who you created. I love you my lovely naughty princess, in front of all this people and in behalf of my soon to be kingdom , my lovely rome can I asked your hand for a marriage?", pick announced while tears falls from his eyes. Rome covered her mouth to stop her cries. She looked at pick and she nodded.

"Yes, my prince I will marry you?", rome said and she kneels down and embraced pick. Pick hold her hand as he put the ring in her left hand.

"I love you", pick passionately said as he kissed her fiance. The whole kingdom congratulates the newly couple for their soon to be marriage. The ball ended past midnight.


"Is that it?", off was pulled from his thoughts when tay asked him a question. Off looked at his friend.

"Yes tay this was the ring, now gun can remember everything", off said to tay.

"Thank you here's your payment goodjob", off said to his investigator.


Off and tay was about to live the restaurant when tay decided to call his brother gun.

"Hello?", tay brow frown as he heard someones voice instead of his brother.

"Hmmm where's gun?", tay asled in confusion and off looked at him in question.

"Pete is that you?", the person in the other line said.

"Din is that you, you remember us where's my sister?", tay added.

"We're at the hospital tay my sister lyn went to the building earlier and she screamed and thretened gun, he fainted in exhaustion but his alright now, he also woke up earlier but now his sleeping peacefully", din informed tay.

"Wait for us there will be there in an hour", tay hurriedly said as he and off run to the car and left the restaurant.

"Lil sis how are you?", tay asked while caressing guns cheeks lovingly.

"Big brother you're overreacting I'm fine don't worry, P'din was here to help me so please you two stop worrying", gun said as he eyed his brother and lover.

"We just want you to be safe love, so bear with it now that we are complete again we can now protect you 24/7", off announced and the other two boys nodded in agreement. Gun just sigh.

"Alright fine", gun said with a pout earning a laughs from his lover and brothers. Off looked at gun as he holds the ring tightly inside his pocket.

"I will give this to you tomorrow love", off thought to hisself.



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