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(Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language. Thank you.)
Ps. I used some of offgun moments and some of gmmtv actors (credits to offgun and to gmmtv).

"Reconciliation is a decision that you take in your heart."


It was already a week after our fight but I still I won't talk to Gun. Tay also not talking to me due to his anger to me about the fight between gun and I and honestly I'm going to be insane because most of the people here in the building already heard about and some of them was pissed with me because of it even P'Godji and P'Jen told me to apologize to him. Last time gun tried to make up with me at launch he bought me a milkshake, he handed it to me but as I was ready to accept it he smiled and he hold the milkshake up and down then right and left to just avoid my hands to grab it but due to his naughtyness I feel so irritated and I starred to him with a sharp looked as I stand up and walked away.

Today we were having a shoot between rome and pick in a lovely scene but as we seated together here I can feel the awkwardness between us. We already has many retake because they can't feel the l9ve in the scene gun can't looked straight to my eyes and I also can see his hands trembling. I heard the cut and the director stand up from his seat and walk to where we are.

"Whats wrong off and gun, this is a lovely scene between your characters but I can't see any of it?", the director told as eyed the two of us. Gun shifted his eyes and looked to the director.

"I'm sorry P', I'm just not into myself lately", gun said to our director. After that he stand up and left the scene.

"Off I heard about your fight with him and I knew that was tha real reason behind this awkwardness so please reconcile to him already because if this continued we can't finish this series it's already affecting your work",

"I'm sorry P' I will think of a way to make up to him", I replied to him.

It was lunch and here we are in the lobby to eat but I can't sight gun here I walked to p'noom to asked if she know where gun is.

"P'noom do you see gun?",

"Yes, on my way here but when I asked him if he will having his lunch he told me that he don't have an appetite and he just walked away from me", p'noom replied to me as she eyed me.

"Thank you P'"

We already done the shooting it was 5 in the evening as I was ready to left the building I saw gun in the sidewalk holding his phone like he was waiting for someone and I got a glimpse of a taxi stopping in front of him. Gun got inside of it and the taxi drive away. I was confused where was his car.

"I assumed that you saw gun, right?", i was in the middle of my thoughts as I heard the voice of P'noom in my right I looked at her and nod.

"Why does he need to take a taxi P' he already got a car?" I asked to her in a confused voice.

"It was already a week off and you just noticed this now gun start to ride a taxi after the two of you fight and when I asked him why did he do it he just answered me this P' I can't drive my car alone because I was comfortable when I'm with P'off there", P'noom told me.

I was in shocked to what I heard. So that's the reason why he always go to work with me.

"See off to him you were just that important he treated you more than anyone here, so please be considerate and think a way of making up to him because I'm started to be worried to him if he ride a taxi late at night", p'noom said to me.

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