"Did you know my parents? " Naruto was curious. He wanted to know more about the parents he could never have.

"Yeah. I did" Jiraiya sighed and looked to the sky. "Your father was my student "

Naruto widened his eyes in shock and excitement. Jiraiya trained his father? He was being trained by the man that trained the fourth! He couldn't believe it.

"Really? That is so cool"

Jiraiya chucked at the boy's behavior. It seems the boy had fully recovered his breath.

"Yeah. He chose to name you after the main character of my first book" Jiraiya admitted as he fished his book out of his pouch. He ran a hand over the cover before handing it over to Naruto. "It's a silly name, but both him and Kushina wanted to"

"You think my name is silly? " the boy was pouting. "My name is cool"

"If you say so"

Naruto huffed and looked down at the book he was offered. He wanted to read it. It must be special if he was named after the main character.

"I'm not a good reader"

"Don't worry about it. I can teach you "

Naruto grinned happily. "Can I keep this? "

"Sure I've got a copy"

"Can you tell me more about my dad? "

"Well" Jiraiya thought for some moments. Minato was an interesting person. There was a lot about him. Where should he start. "Well he was very smart, calm, perceptive, collected and shrewd. He never did anything without reason and was always respectful. He was a talented ninja although he came up with techniques that were weird or had a weird name. " Jiraiya laughed at the memory of his student's rediculous jutsu names. "He had an indomitable spirit and fierce ambitions that drove him through all his choices in life. He was unwavering in his loyalty to Konoha and his loved ones, friends and family "

Naruto only listened with wide eyes fascination. Jiraiya used some big words but Naruto knew what they meant. He had spent enough time around Athena to pick up on some impressive words. He paid enough attention. His father sounded awesome. He wanted to be like him. He as the Hokage. He would be the Hokage one day too. He would be as strong as him. Stronger than him.

"And mom. What was she like? "

Jiraiya shivered at the thought of Kushina. She was as scary as Tsunade when she got angry.


Naruto tilted his head. He hadn't caught that.

"What was that? "

Jiraiya cleared his throat. "Nothing. " he wouldn't want to admit that to the boy. "She was a lot like you, or should I say it the other way round? "

"I'm like her? "

"Yes. She was always full of energy and enthusiasm. She was cheerful and very nice, but she could be scary when she got angry. She loved ramen as much as you did too. She was headstrong, impulsive, eccentric, and stubborn. Oh and sassy" Jiraiya nodded to himself. Kushina was a fiery character.

Naruto smiled brightly. His parents sounded nice. He wished he could meet them.

"While your father was the Yellow Flash your mother was ths Red Hot-Blooded Habanero " Jiraiya informed

Naruto suddenly shot up and struck a childish pose. "The Yellow Flash and The Red Hot-Blooded Habanero make The Orange Hokage!, You know? "

Jiraiya snickered and bursted into a fit of laughter. He even had his mother's tick.

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