Week 24 - Japan//Part 1 - Screw You Noodles

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What is this? Up...date? What is this foreign language?

I am so sorry; this is so freaking late I can't even. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Their Japan adventures will be in two parts (the next one will be good, I promise), just a heads up. Thanks all for sticking with my laziness! Kat and Leslie, I'm especially sorry to you lovely ladies. I'm dedicating this chapter to Leslie because I AM CHANGING HER CAST PORTRAYAL. I'm changing it from Taylor Momsen to Marina Diamandis! She frankly looks a lot more like the muse behind the character and she's prettier in my opinion x)

Song of the chapter on the side! :) >>>>>>>>>>> (Chose this because I haven't stopped listening to it in the past two days)

Enjoy and please comment/vote/fan and all that delicious stuff! 


                                                               August 8th, 2012

                                                           “'Off to Sushi Land!'”

                                                                  Chicago O'Hare (Chicago, Illinois), terminal A, around . . . 5am

“Kat, are you sure it's safe for you to be on a twelve-hour flight while in your third trimester?” I asked, extracting a ginger snap from the bag of them I'd gotten in the food court. “That seems like something you shouldn't do.”

“One: there's a lot of **** I shouldn't be doing,” she answered, resting her Starbucks travel cup on her pregnant belly. “Such as getting up at four o'clock in the morning and waiting over an hour to get on a stupid plane. Two: I really wanna go to Japan; they have the coolest clothes there.”

“Yeah, because you're gonna fit in any of it!” I laughed. She kicked my shin and I yelped, pulling back. “Hey!”

“Leave my fat alone!” Kat said defensively.

“You're not fat, you're pregnant,” Leslie laughed, putting her arm around her friend.

“Pardon me, please,” Chris said, holding his index finger up. I rolled my eyes, awaiting the **** storm. “I'd like to, just for a second, add some thing to that list of things you shouldn't do, if you wouldn't mind? Can anybody guess?”

“Oh!” Alma sat up, raiding her hand high in the air.

“Yes, Alma!” Chris pointed to her enthusiastically.

“Ummm . . . buy a house?” Alma guessed, over exaggerating everything to hell.

“Ding, ding, ding! Bingo!” Chris exclaimed. “We've got a winner!”

“Stop!” Kat shouted. “Why are you guys so down on us buying a house? God. We're adults.”

“We're not down on you guys buying a house!” Phil chimed in, half on his attention spent on watching his daughter cuddle with a pastel-colored bunny she got from his parents for Easter. “We're down on you guys buying the first one you saw! You should have looked around more.”

“Are you kidding?” Justin asked, aghast. “It's got three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a sunroom!”

“Not to mention the breakfast nook and the study,” Kat added, nodding sagely.

We all gave them looks, but I was the first to speak up with, “What if when you get back from Japan you don't like it as much as you did?”

“Why would that happen?” Kat asked.

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