Week 17 - You Wish He Could Make You Feel the Way I Do

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  • Đã dành riêng cho Leslie and Brianne

Yes! Finally an update! :D I've been working my tail off on this for you all :) Your lovely words of encouragement have fueled my desire to write, and I will be trying to more often. PROMISE. Well, no, no I don't. I'm not good with promises :x

ANYWAY, the song of the chapter (which I loooove) is on the side! :) >>>>>>>>>>

Also, if you have a Tumblr, follow me at exclusively-ajs.tumblr.com :) Also follow my bestie punkgasm.tumblr.com! :D We're both awesome people, so if you'd like awesome spilling all over your dashes, feel free ;)

Dedicated to Leslie (itzleslie) and Brianne (HKDGAL) for being so awesome :)

Now, finally, enjoy! :D <3


                                                                May 18th, 2012

         “Now That I've Finally Moved On, You Say That You've Missed Me All Along”

                                                          The Condo (Chicago, Illinois), Kathryn's bedroom, around . . . 8am

Even though my birthday had passed this week, the gang and I decided to not celebrate my 23rd in an arena in Pittsburgh, but at my place in Chicago. I came home to a bounty of birthday cards—everyone I knew from my doctor to both of my brothers sent me one. I feel special—upon my arrival and also found that the pet keeper AJ and I left in care of our dogs kept the house—along with Oreo, Nacho, and Pamela Beasley—in perfect shape. After dismissing her, AJ and I turned in, SO glad to be back in our beds.

But before we continue on with the celebration of my birthday, let's go back to this week's Raw, when it was my actual birthday, shall we? Well, actually, let's recap on a few things. Starting with the day after Extreme Rules.

Flashback to Monday Night Raw 4/30/12

WWE Monday Night Raw, Nutter Center (Dayton, Ohio), Divas locker room, around . . . 9pm

Diva matches seldom go more than 10 minutes. My match with Leslie, however, did. We went a good 13 minutes at least before she laid me out with a new twist neckbreaker she came up with whilst training with Layla. My neck was still sore, but even still I had to compete tonight. It was a tag team match between myself and AJ vs Alma and Leslie. In the past weeks there's been some on-screen tension between myself and AJ. They're planning for us to break up soon. I don't want to, I love tagging with her, but I really want to put her over. That being said, of course they won't use her properly.

“Hey, buttons!” AJ chirped cheerfully, skipping into the Divas locker room with her bag in hand. “What's up?”

“Buttons?” I laughed.

“Yes. Buttons,” she said, looking at me as she took her blue ring attire out of her bag. “Look! We match!” She held up the spandex top to mine, which was dark blue and glittery and already on my body. “Color-wise, anyway.”

“Oh, cool!” I beamed. “Did you plan this?”

“A little,” she smiled mischievously as she walked back to her bag. “So, did you hear?”

“Hear what?” I asked. “That Angelina Love got bigger implants or that Madison Rayne is thinking of dying her hair black?”

“Neither,” she said. “Also, ew.” I nodded in agreement. “But no! I'm doing a storyline with CM Punk.”

Bound for Glory - Year 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ