Week 7//Part 2 - UAE Unloaded

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Match of the chapter on the side :) >>>>>>>>


                                                                  February 8, 2012


                                                       Fairmont Bab Al Bahr (Abu Dhabi, UAE), restaurant, around . . . 8am

*AJ's POV*

I wasted as much of my time washing my hands as possible. Kaitlyn won't let me come near my table until I talk to Chris. I just know it. The soap wasn't even on my hands anymore and the hems of my sleeves were damp. My hands were bright red and my glasses were fogged from the steam from the hot water. I finally turned the water off and dried my hands with a provided brown paper towel. I took my glasses off and wiped the fog away with the hem of my shirt. I looked myself over in the mirror before heading back out into the restaurant. I scanned the room for Chris nervously and finally spotted him talking to . . . Kaitlyn. Oh, God. Why?

I casually walked back to the table with my hands behind my back. What the hell is she doing talking to him? Was this part of her plan? Why do I feel defensive all of a sudden?

“Hi,” I said, smiling as I walked up to the two. Kaitlyn and Chris both smiled at me. Kaitlyn rested her chin on her hand.

“Hello,” she said slyly to me. I gave her a look before turning to Chris, who was smiling and seemed like he hadn't blinked in a while.

“I—” I was cut off by Chris's index finger being placed on my lips.

“Wait,” he said. “Unless you want to be thrown across this table and become a paraplegic then I suggest you hold that thought for just one sec—”

“Hi, Chris!” Melina and Maryse cooed as they approached the blond. I rolled my eyes, but I was also surprised at how Chris knew they were coming.

However, when I caught a whiff of their perfume, I knew. I wrinkled my nose and casually placed my hand over it.

“What is that you're wearing?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. “Coco Chanel? Justin Bieber?”

“Britney Spears,” Melina said, giving me a pitying smile. She rolled her eyes as she turned to Chris, who was, the entire time she was turned around, mouthing mocking words at her. His face flashed back to normal as she turned back to him. I held in a giggle. “Anyway, Ryse and I saw the match card for tonight's show and we were curious: did you fill in those tag team spots for your Mixed Tag match?”

Kaitlyn and I shared a look and I folded my arms across my chest. Not in a jealous way, but in a sorry way. Chris's eyes met mine and I smirked at him. I saw him swallow as he looked from girl to girl. I've never seen him flustered, but I did for just a split second as he was forming words in his head. Granted, it probably wasn't too easy with Maryse's razor sharp hazel daggers staring a hole into his soul.

“Only one,” he answered. Oh, that's not true. I knew for certain that he hadn't yet, just by the look he gave them. “So . . . if one of you ladies would like to fill the free spot . . . I wouldn't mind.” And smooth Jericho had returned. Thank goodness. That was almost embarrassing.

Maryse was the first to speak up, “I would!” she said, smiling brightly, afterword giving Melina a “Ha-ha! I win!” look. Melina scowled at her best friend.

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