Week 12 - Only a Memory

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Match of the chapter on side! :D >>>>>>>>>

This one is Eve Torres and AJ Lee vs Liviana (Maxine) and Naomi Knight from the February 7, 2010 episode of FCW! I love AJ, I really do XD

I hope you like the chapter! The next couple will take place during the European tour that took place this month, so I'm excited for that :D



                                                                   April 2nd, 2012


                                                             Dawson Residence (DeKalb, Illinois), living room, around . . . 12n

*Kat's POV*

I sat in the living room of my childhood home in DeKalb silently, my hands interlocked on my knees. I leaned forward as if I was about to be sick, which I felt like I was, and didn't say anything. My sister Savannah was leaning on my brother Craig's shoulder on the couch across from me, her eyes all dried up from crying all morning. I was really dehydrated, so I kept on seeing little blurry spots in my vision. They were driving me crazy but I didn't bother to ask for any water. I thought it'd be too much to ask right now.

“Where's you guys's dad?” my friend Kristen, here for support, asked, sitting on the counter in the adjacent kitchen.

“He said that he went out last night,” Craig answered, making me glad I didn't have to say anything. “He hasn't come back.”

“I can't really blame him,” Savannah said hoarsely. “If I could just run away and not think about this I would. But I can't.”

“Kat, are you okay?” Kristen asked. “I mean, well . . . aside from the obvious.” She's always been an awkward comforter. It was actually a little funny sometimes. “Do you . . . do you need anything? Water or . . . a sandwich?”

“No, Kristen,” I said, leaning back on the squishy couch and rubbing my eyes more. “I don't need anything. Thank you, though.”

“Mhm,” she replied.

There was a long pause before I said, “You know what, I actually do need some water. I feel like I'm going blind over here.” I rubbed my blurry eyes harder, only making it worse. Now there were swirly rainbow squiggles adorning my vision. Awesome. “Oh, that's nice.” I mumbled.

“Here,” Kristen said, sitting down next to me and handing me a tall glass of water. I smiled lightly at her and took it.

“Thanks,” I said, taking a long sip of it. The icy cold liquid felt amazing going down my throat. I really needed this.

“Is Justin coming?” Savannah asked me. I looked at her.

“No,” I answered, tracing the lip of the glass with my ring finger. “He said that he wanted to, but he has a show tonight. So no.”

“Oh,” she said. “That's too bad. I like Justin.”

There was an awkward silence that took over the room. I shifted in my seat, looking around the rustic-looking living room. There were vaulted ceilings made from wood and just about a million bad paintings hung on the walls. Looking at it all made more tears threaten to spill out of my eyes, so I just looked down at the water.

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