Week 16 - Extreme Rules Mean No Rules At All

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Okay, people. I originally planned for Week 16 to include more than this, but I had to cut it short so I could get something up for you. Don't worry, what I had planned for this will be in Week 17 :) Again, SO sorry for the late updates, I've been super busy with crap and it's been hot so I'm somewhat brain dead.

No song of the chapter today, as it fits more with the next one ;)



                                                                  April 21st, 2012


          Rasisson BLU Astrid Hotel (Antwerp, Belgium), Kathryn and Chris's Room, around . . . 11pm

Our eyes wide, we scrambled to get off each other and off the bed. We ended up getting some good shots at each other trying to untangle ourselves. He got me in my shoulder and I at the base of his throat.

Ignoring the giggles from our friends, I furiously picked up my shirt and pulled it back on. I kicked Chris's shirt out of his grasp out of spite. He shot me a glare and picked up quickly, putting it back on also.

“So . . .” Punk started, making swirly motions with his hand. “What's going on here?”

“Yeah,” Leslie said, still grinning. “Why didn't I know this was happening, I would have video taped it just because it's a milestone.”

“Milestone?” I asked her, genuinely confused.

“Yes! Full circle moment much?” she chuckled. I shared a look with Chris before folding my arms.

“I'm so glad I get to go to bed with the image of you dry humping Kathryn, Jericho,” Dolph commented, rubbing his face tiredly. “Really. I'm thrilled.”

“I'm ecstatic!” Kat exclaimed.

“Oh, go find Justin,” I said. “I'm sure he will provide you with more entertainment than this.”

“I can't,” Kat deadpanned at me. “He's in Scotland.”

“Oh, right,” I said breezily, smiling disingenuously. “Sorry.”

“Sorry, this whole thing is very riveting, but why are we overreacting about a couple trying to get a quickie in before their morning flight to Chicago?” Punk asked. “I'm kind of excited to hear each other's reviews of each other, to be honest.” Another shared look, this time a little disgusted. “But really, I only came in here to get back that book you borrowed from me, Kathryn. The David Sedaris one?”

“Oh,” I said, walking over to my bag and digging around in it. After a couple seconds, I found the book and walked over to Punk, handing it to him. “So why are they here?” I nodded to the others.

“Ahh, they followed me here because they were following a debate between Kat and me.”

“Kat and I,” I corrected, walking back over to where I was.

“Oh, whatever,” Punk said, rolling his eyes with a flourish. “Okay, guys, let's go!”

“You just don't want to admit you're wrong, Punk,” Kat laughed in a victorious tone.

“Male platypuses do not have venomous talons on their feet, Kat!” Punk yelled as they left. His tone suggested that they'd been arguing about that for a while.

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