Week 14 - Europe//Part 2 - I Feel for You

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Match of this chapter is Maxine and Natalya vs Kelly Kelly and Divas Champion Layla on the May 7th, 2012 edition of Monday Night RAW! :D >>>>>>>>>

Okay, this chapter is SOOO overdue. Really sorry it was so late. I've been really angry at people in general and I've been making plans for Mother's Day tomorrow and my birthday on Monday (YAY!!), so I wasn't able to write a hell of a lot. But here's an update for you lovely, lovely people! :D



                                                                   April 11th, 2012


 Luzhniki Small Sports Arena (Moscow, Russia), WWE SuperShow Houseshow, backstage area, around . . .


*Leslie's POV*

I jogged back through the apron, a complete sweaty mess, holding my new title close to me as Dolph and Maxine continued to pat me on the back and hug me in a congratulatory fashion.

“Oh, my gosh!” I yelled, looking down at the shiny piece of hardware in my hands.

“Congratulations, kid!” Dolph said, half hugging me.

“That was amazing, sis,” Maxine said, half hugging me as well. Even during my celebration, I could still sense the competition between them.

“Thank you,” I said, almost breathless. When I saw Kathryn and AJ walk through the curtain, I squealed and ran over to Kathryn and hugged her. “Thank you!”

She laughed and hugged me back. “You're welcome!” she said, smiling as we parted. “Does it feel good?”

“Hell yeah!” I exclaimed. “Why, though?”

“Why what?”

“Why didn't you kick out, I mean?”

“Oh,” she laughed. “I held the title for four hundred odd days, Les. I think somebody else deserves a shot at it now.”

As I started to cry again, just out of being so overwhelmed, Kathryn hugged me again. “Thank you so much,” I said with a chuckle.

“Again, you're welcome,” she said.

“You know, now Alma won't get that title rematch against you,” AJ commented, hooking her thumbs on her back pockets. “Is that part of why you purposely went under, Kath?” She smirked.

“Only a fragment, my short, short friend,” Kathryn said, putting her index finger and thumb close together to illustrate smallness. AJ rose an eyebrow at the action. “But the majority of the reason is that I didn't want Leslie to become another Torrie Wilson.”

“Good wrestler but never got a proper title shot?” Maxine said, pointing her index finger upward. Kathryn nodded. “I seeeee. So, Les, looks like you've got company!”

I wondered what she meant until I saw Gary and Cooper, the guys who do all the WWE.com interviews, approached me with a camera man. They told me to straighten myself up and for all the others to get out of the shot. As I did, I took a deep breath and Cooper said action.

“Leslie,” Gary said, “you just pinned the longest reigning Divas Champion in history to capture your first singles titles in the WWE. Not only that, but you won the Divas Championship and the Women's Championship in WWE's first ever show in Russia. How do you feel right now?”

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