Week 2//Part 2 - Crush for Hire

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First match of the week on side! :D This week's match of the week is AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella on the November 9, 2010 edition of WWE NXT :) I love the commentary on NXT X) >>>>>>>


                                                      January 9th, 2012

      “In One Person's Face Involuntarily, and In Another's Completely Willingly”

           WWE Monday Night RAW, American Bank Center (Corpus Christi, Texas), backstage area, around . . . 8pm

*AJ's POV*

I can't lie and say that I'm not feeling happy. I am! Throughout my storyline with Daniel Bryan, we've sort of become . . . close. In a way. Maybe a bigger way than most would think, but in a way. Poor thing is, though, that he's been busy training all day and I haven't gotten to see him. WWE was boring without somebody to talk to. Or at least throw food into their face. I'd been doing that to relinquish my boredom but Vince doesn't allow it. Sometimes I really do wish we had Bischoff or Hunter back. Cringe.

“You're kidding, right?” I heard Maryse say around a corner. I walked around it and saw her and Melina at catering. I stopped, not wanting to disturb the interesting-sounding conversation.

“No!” Melina exclaimed. “I'm SO not. He and Jessica have been over for like, a year and a half or something, how could you not have known, Ryse?”

“Sorry!” Maryse laughed. I furrowed my brow. “I guess I don't delve into the lives of others as much as you enjoy to.”

The two girls shared a giggle before I walked up to them. Who was Jessica? And who's not with her anymore?

I, of course, hadn't realized I asked those things out loud. I seem to have a talent for that. They both turned their makeup-plastered faces to me and snorted.

“Run along,” Melina shooed me away.

“Yes, this isn't your business, little girl,” Maryse cooed. I rose an eyebrow and folded my arms.

“And it's yours?” I countered. Ha! Answer to that.

“Yes, it is,” Melina said, making a face at me. “He told me himself.” She added, putting her hand over her heart. Maryse scoffed.

“It was in the news!” she exclaimed to her friend. I groaned.

“What was in the news?!” I threw my arms out. They both rolled their eyes at me before getting all gossipy. I was pulled into their circle and I didn't like it. Nor did I like the feeling of their acrylic nails digging into my flesh.

“Chris Jericho is single,” Melina whispered to me. I shrugged and Maryse scoffed again.

“Don't tell me you do not care.”

“I don't,” I said honestly. They let go of me. “I mean, it's his life, why should I get involved in it?”

Melina and Maryse shared a bemused look before turning their faces back to me. “AJ,” Melina said as if she was speaking to a five-year-old, “Chris Jericho, is one of the finest men this business has ever seen.” Now it was my turn to do some eye-rolling. Who cares? Yes, he's a looker, but I'm not in the market. Off limits! “And everyone needs a rebound.”

“Well, if he and this Jessica woman broke up a year and a half ago like you guys said, I highly doubt he hasn't found a rebound yet,” I said, looking at both of them in turns. “And if he has, I don't think that he'd be looking for a girlfriend in this place.” I gestured to our surrounding area. “Especially with all the fakies that inhabit it. Like you.”

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