Week 2//Part 1 - Odds and Ends

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Hallo there! Finally updating!! Yay!! :D 

Sorry if this chapter's a little bleh, I wrote most of it when I was a little bit sleepy, so yeah :P

Also, I will only be putting a song of the chapter on the side if I happen apon one that REALLY goes with what's going on. Otherwise, I'll be putting my favorite Divas matches on the sides! :D Woot woot! I have a lot of them, so be prepared. I also think they'd been a good opportunity for my readers who don't watch wrestling in its entirety to see what these girls do :)

Also, I've, out of complete and utter boredom and writer's block, made a slideshow with pictures of the cast :) Hope you enjoy seeing their GORGEOUS faces! XD Hahaha.

Enjoy! <3 <3 xx


                                                        January 7th, 2012

                                                  “The Pregnancy Pair”

                                                 The Brooks Household (Chicago, Illinois), living room, around . . . 11am

*Kat's POV*

Maria was kind enough to invite me to her place so she can show me how to be pregnant. Sad, right? I guess I don't know how to not eat lunch meats and take pills. Honestly, I hadn't thought being pregnant would be such a project. Well, at least until I actually have the baby. I hear delivery day is pretty gory. Yaaaay.

“So how're you feeling?” Maria asked, lounging on her dark brown couch, her eyes running over a magazine. I emerged from the bathroom holding my stomach.

“Sick,” I answered, groaning as I sat down on the couch next to her. “How did you do it?”

“It'll all be over by week ten or twelve,” she answered breezily. I looked at her with despair. “You started really early, though. They say every pregnancy is different.”

“I hate this,” I groaned, leaning my head back.

“Well, it is a parasite, you know,” Maria said. “You're not supposed to like it.”

My head shot up. “A parasite?”

She nodded. “Yeah! Anything that lives inside another living thing and feeds off of the host is a parasite. It just so happens that you will nurture this parasite until its adulthood.”

I rolled my eyes. “I hate Justin.”

“You gotta give the guy's little Michael Phelpses props, though,” She shrugged. I rose an eyebrow at her. “They were determined.”

“Oh, shut up,” I laughed, rubbing my forehead with the heel of my hand. “I miss everyone.”

“Then why didn't you say yes when they asked if you wanted to go with them this morning?” asked the redhead, looking at me like I was stupid.

“Because I didn't want to throw up all over them,” I answered, my voice distorted by my hand pressing on my cheek.

“Hey, don't look so down!” Maria lightly punched my arm. I looked at her. “Now, you get to get out of nine periods.”

I rose my eyebrows. “Really?”

“Yeah! You don't have periods when you're pregnant, didn't you know that?” she asked. I twisted my lips.

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