〖Special Chapter〗

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Hello to you all! So, I have finally decided to write a Special Chapter! And the title of this Chapter is

"¡Bienvenido an España!"

Anyways, I hope you guys have a good afternoon. Thank you!

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Madison's POV

After I received the news of Angelica's whereabouts, I immediately rushed with my kids to go to Spain. I told them that we were about to take care of someone and that we'll gonna be excused for a while in their school, it took us a while because Alissa is afraid of flight so I did my best to put her to sleep. Charles, on the other hand, keeps on posting on his social media about where he is going. Gosh, he never listens, I always told him that he shouldn't post a lot of things. He might get in trouble if it ever happens

"Charles, dear, please don't tell me wherever we are going." he looks at me with his eyebrows creased

"Mom, it's not like they're going to Spain and find me. I mean, Spain is a big city and we live in a building probably held by Beon--" I covered his mouth before he says anything that might catch people's attention, I widen my eyes at him and told him to shut it

"T-minus 10 minutes before landing, please shut down all cellular data and other mobile phones. Strap in your seat belts before we land. Thank you," the pilot says, I confiscated his phone and put it in my bag. We landed safely and got off the plane, his face looks annoyed, and went ahead of us

"Make sure you know where you're going, or else you'll miss that place." he makes a left and then bumps into a girl, she looks familiar and they just apologized before leaving. Alissa wakes up and I put her down to walk. Charles grunts and stomped off, I went ahead first and we got in a cab. I open his phone and it was a pattern lock, I smirked and positioned it on the light where it shows the pattern. I laughed evilly, and the driver looks at me in the mirror. I don't know what to say so I just avoided his gaze, I look at his Instafame and he has a lot of followers, and what just posts are mine and Alissa's. I stopped smiling, I feel touched. I read some of his posts Even though mom is not around, she tries her best to spend every time with us when she gets home and that she can also be a dad to us. I love you, mom. Thank you so much for not giving us up. I teared up and closed it, when the driver stops driving, I hop off with Alissa and the things we brought. A lovely woman comes to greet me and she gives Alissa a lollipop and I greeted her the same, Charles, on the other hand, is not here and I sighed. When I turn around, he's standing, with a lipstick stain on his neck and lips. I looked at him dead in the eye

"What? I don't know where you are, so I asked some... person," he says and wipes off his lips, I just sighed and gave his phone back

"And what if that person you asked and then asked for a kiss has herpes? Think better, Charles, you're brighter than me."

"If you just hadn't confiscated my phone, I wouldn't be doing that." I sighed, and shake my head in disappointment, and just left

"Where are you going?" the lady asks

"I'll just go visit someone," I said and smiled

"Oh, that guy." she seems like she despises Alexander, but it's not him whom I'll visit. It's not far from here so I just walked to get there, when I get there, I saw people panicking from a dog wilding. He escapes and crosses paths with me, he stops immediately when he sees me. His other eye is gone and someone fired a tranq dart and hits him, he cries from it and I catch him in no time. He starts to fall asleep and a tag was inscribed. It's Alexander's pet, I lift him and they're about to do something to him so I ran away while carrying him. They try to catch up, but I'm much faster than them, when I ended up back in the building, I put him down on my bed.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐞 (𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now