【 C h a p t e r 3 8 】

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Angelica's POV

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Angelica's POV

I provided him a bath first before Angelique dressed his wounds, I asked the wounded wolf.

"Why do you sound like someone I know?" He shoots me with a wild look.

"Like who, for example?"

"Alexander, I don't know who that guy is," he growls at the wound being dressed as Angelique pats his head.

"This will be all over once you behave well," she says sternly and he looks back at me.

"Can she understand me too?" she stopped dressing for a bit and answered.

"If he's trying to know if I can understand him, believe me, I don't." She proves herself by trying to imitate his barks quietly and he just sighed.

"Anyways, I'll just cook you some food for tonight and you can leave if you want to after that."

"What if the next animal that is coming here tries to hurt you?" he suddenly asked out of nowhere and I just opened the stove.

"I've been encountering a lot of animals back then, so I know their traits if they're aggressive or not. And, I can't promise myself that I'm getting myself hurt either way"

"You're pretty hurt in the past, ain't you."

"I do... And I don't," I said and cooked some leftover meat in the fridge.

"Which means...?"

"Which means it's a fifty-fifty chance since I can't remember most of it 11 years ago..." I trailed off and continued cooking, by the time I finished cooking was the time his wounds were also dressed.

"Here, I know you're pretty hungry," Angelique says and releases him, he walks hesitantly, taking in the scenery carefully and when he's done taking it in... he kind of gobbled it up immediately.

"Wow, you're pretty different from the one that I encountered." he looks at me while he licks his fur that is covered with the food.

"Who's that...? A guy?"

"Yeah, he's pretty sophisticated for his way of eating it," I said and he snickered at it, "What?"

"I guess, its color is black on top and he's petty."

"I guess you knew each other," Angelique said bluntly and I thought for a second and came to a realization after observing his left eye.

"Did you guys... like, fought with each other?" he stiffly nods, "Did you guys fight a year ago?"

"Hmm, even if I was pretty sure I wanted to hurt him but he's an alpha."

"An alpha?"

"An Alpha is a kind of wolf where he leads the whole pack and he's the brain of the pack," Angelique explains. I think my mind exploded for a bit there.

"And you're...?" I trailed off to confirm whether this wolf is alpha as well.

"An Alpha too, but my pack is outnumbered."

"I mean, okay, I get it. But I want to know this thing, did you fight a year ago?" I gently put my hand on his eye, completely surprising him.

"What? No! we fought, but it's several years ago," the wolf confirmed.

"So you did fight with each other," I looked at his eye again, but there was no spark building up.

"I know, and it's a common thing when it comes to courting a girl." he explains and I just scornfully laughed at it, "What's so funny about it?"

"Courting a girl doesn't come to bite each other's head off just because you guys saw a beautiful woman," I averred.

"Courtship?" Angelique's head pokes out of her room, "If we're talking about courtships, she doesn't know anything about it." she points out.

"That's probably why you don't get it," he snickered again and I just planted my face on the pillowed couch I found that was lying on the floor.

"I shouldn't have said that," I shouted at the pillow and my alarm clock rang inside my room, "Huh? What time is it?" I went inside and saw that it was nearly dawn.

"Why, you going to work now?" Angelique asks loudly.

"I'll take a raincheck today, just gotta go announce this to one of the chefs there," I said and contacted her, "Anyways, what's your name?" I asked him, but she answered the call and I didn't hear his answer. After I told her what to do, I ended it and I looked at him.

"I said I'm—"

"Alex," I said and smiled, "Since you sound alike to someone I know, I want to call you by that name."

"But I—"

"Don't. I already called you by that name so stick with it. Now, are you going to rest here?"

"I'm pretty sure you don't listen," Alex says.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you just said," I teased him and he squinted his right eye at me before jumping onto a couch and lying there "So you're staying here, don't worry. I won't bite," I teased him again. He just barked at me. I laughed at him and patted his head.

"What are you even doing?"

"Just wanted to say that you are always welcome here," I sweetly smiled at him and he rested his head on the couch, "Goodnight." I gave him my extra blanket and went to my room to sleep, I plopped down on my mattress and sighed loudly. What just happened earlier? I was almost hurt by a drunk CEO of some company and then now, I encountered another wolf. As I thought deeper, I didn't notice that I fell asleep and heard a loud rattle from the kitchen. I sat quickly and walked outside when I opened my eyes. I saw that the house was a mess, Angelique was only standing inside her doorway.

"Angelica, I think Nathan and that guy are fighting over there." Angelique pointed at the kitchen and I ran, I stopped when I saw that they were fighting.

"Guys, stop. Will you?" I tried to meddle with their fight but only ended up hurting by accidentally stepping on a broken mug, I winced loudly and both of them immediately stopped.

"Angelica, are you okay?" Angelique came running into the kitchen and she grabbed both of their ears to bring them to me, "Look what you've done to my sister, apologize!" she shouts at them and Alex and Jonathan only whined.

"He started it," Alex pointed his nose at Nathan and Nathan defended himself.

"What? Are you even kidding? You're the one who started it and—"

"Enough," I said, "Nathan, since you're Jonathan's pet, why don't you bark at him and tell him that you broke all the furniture inside my house!" Alex smirked at him and I continued.

"And you, I just met you last night and you wrecked this house like it's yours. I'm probably sure who your owner is, that... Alexander guy, yes, him. Ever since that night in the venue resembles him so much that I can guess that he has to pay for all the appliances that were broken here." they were sure as quiet and Angelique asked me.

"How do they even tell them to their owners if they can't be understood?"

"Simple, you go with them," I said and continued, "Because you didn't stop them and this is my house so, my orders are to be demanded and followed. Now, out!"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐞 (𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now