【 C h a p t e r 5 8 】

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Angelica's POV

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Angelica's POV

"B-but, if that were to happen to you... Then what shall I do?" Jonathan stops, then looks, this time, his eyes are filled with sorrow. I tear up a little and I try my best to not cry

"If the same thing were to happen to me... I want you—" he breaks, a single tear escaping from his left eye. I can't help but sob a little, I'm frustrated. He continues, "I want you... to end me," he says in a melancholic tone, he steps closer and puts the knife down. Kisses me on the forehead and hugs me gently, for the first time, I've never felt this way. Never in my life would it be full of twists and turns, not even once. I hated it at first, but now, I kind of like it because I have never been so involved with such things. As we reluctantly parted, I wiped off my tears and heaved a deep breath before diving into the unknown. We walk along the streets of Spain, amidst the busy crowd we start to wander off and people become lesser, we stop at a manor and I gawk at its size. Even though it's really old, I notice people around it.

"Don't be fooled by what it just looks like on the outside," he says and I gulped, a man walks up and he is almost gigantic. Reminding I'm just 5' 2", Jonathan is 6' 1", and this guy is probably his height and checks us.

"Ronaldo," Jonathan says coldly, the man looks at him for a minute and then sets himself aside to let us pass. As the door opens, a sudden cold breeze touches my skin and I suddenly feel so grim inside this place. It's full of men, with women barely naked and I just tear my gaze away. I saw a cat, just sitting there, purring at someone's feet. The man kicks it away from him and it crashes down with a thud, my heart broke, I swiftly tore apart from Jonathan and he didn't notice me. I approached the cat and it purrs painfully, I pick it up and it suddenly purrs again.

"Help me, I can't get out of here." it's a woman, I wasn't expecting such a terrible place as this and I just pet it.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. I promise you that," I said with a grimace, she's too skinny, I hate to think that she might not be able to make it. Then I remembered Angelique, I looked around to find a bathroom and saw one. It is a female bathroom, and as soon as I opened it, I was welcomed by the undergarments of a man and a woman. Shivering my way to an open stall, I locked it and dialed her number. She answered it.

"Hey, how's the trip going?" she asked nicely, then an unexpected noise was heard, "What? What did I just hear? Is someone moaning?"

"Yes, and also, there's a guy here who kicked a helpless cat. She's lacking in nutrition and purring painfully, she's injured badly," I whispered.

"Why are you whispering? Where are you exactly? Are you really in Alexander's place or a pub?" she asks loudly, then someone bangs the door loud enough to make me jump. The other people in all of the stalls left and I dropped my phone and it slid down out where the man's feet were. He picked it up.

"Who's fancy phone is this?" Quite shocked by his English, I turned around and put the cat down on the closed toilet. Picked up my confidence and walked out.

"M-mine," I hesitantly said, looking at me. From bottom to top, smirking, he stretches his hand to give it to me. I reached for it and he used his other hand to grab me, I screamed at the top of my lungs. He slaps me, knocking me back. I opened my bag and reached for the pepper spray, spraying it widely on his face, he yielded and stumbled. Trying to find water, he dunks his face in a toilet and I have my chance to escape. I picked up the cat immediately and ran into someone, bumping loudly, both of us fell and hit the ground hard.

"Ow, that hurts," she says. I opened my eyes and saw Anita. We had the same reaction, although her hands were bloodied. A child pops out behind her and he's pretty messed up, on the other hand, Anita's face is also messed up.

"Ms. Anita? Oh my gosh, what happened to the both of you?" I asked them.

"Here's what you need to know..."


Anita's POV

A lot of ideas are quickly storming my mind, but all of them only ended up with me being dead. One thought, one of the worst, has only left me with no choice. I need to seduce him, lure him, stab him in the eye and get the hell outta here with this kid. Time passes by and other men shift, the guy that the kid has told me about comes in and the key for all of the cells here are dangling at his arm.

"Il est là maintenant," said the kid, he walked loud enough and stood in front of the kid's room.

"Aquí está tu comida, cerdo." He drops it in and spits at it, which the boy takes eagerly. I feel my stomach turning upside down and filled with anger, he turns to look at me. I gulped, he put the food down gently and slid it to me.

"Oye, ¿podrías hacerme un favor? ¿Te gusta el servicio extra?" I asked, he cocks his head to one side. I slyly smile at him and spread my legs wide open, he smirks, opening the gate. He rubs his hands before he starts to unbuckle his belt, he steps closer and kneels. I held my knife tightly at my back, I added, "Say ahh." he did and closed his eyes, now's my chance. I raised my hand and directly went for his mouth, it ran down perfectly. He gags at it and grasps my hand. I pushed it deeper, then pulled it out. He clutches his throat, covers his mouth, and drops to the floor. His body is still, blood still gushing out of his mouth, and stole his key. I opened the kid's lock, he looked at me with wide eyes.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐞 (𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now