【 C h a p t e r 2 】

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"Are you sure that it's a wolf?" Angelique nodded and wanted to speak, but I continued.

"What if— What if it's just a Siberian husky?" She shook her head, but I wanted to continue, but she cut me off.

"Listen, Angel, no one or anyone in that building will know about this, okay?" She asked, holding my shoulder and squeezing it a little. I just nodded at Angelique, and she continued.

"I'll hold off the people who send this wolf to me, alright? Tell them it was just a Siberian husky mistreated, okay? Bring the wolf to your house, treat it with care, and I know for sure. It won't attack you because the wolf will remember what you just did. The wolf is okay, and I treated his wounds. He'll recover fully for a week so go. Now." Angelique demanded calmly and in a hushed tone, I agreed quietly. I ran outside with the wolf and brought it inside the car. Before I entered the car, I saw two guys talking to each other, and the other one saw me.

"Isn't that the dog we just sent here?" A guy asked his partner, and I stopped.

"I guess so," he said, then something struck his mind— and the both of them looked at each other and looked back at me, and I smiled at them awkwardly.

"Stop!" They ran to stop me as I quickly went inside and started the car. I got away, and they stopped chasing.

"I hope I did the right thing, and this wolf wouldn't kill me." I clutched the steering wheel and hurried to get back home. As I opened the door, the puppy was angry at me for how irresponsible I took care of him.

"You should've at least brought me there so I wouldn't be mad at you," the puppy kept whining and whining when someone knocked on my door. I opened it and saw a guy standing on my porch and rubbing his eyes.

"Can you please shush that stupid dog?" The guy asked me rudely and did a once-over at me, then a girl came to his side and pinched his ears.

"Now you're fighting a girl just because a dog is barking?"

"Oh, C'mon!" She dragged him out of my porch, and they kept yelling at each other and closing their doors.

"Good riddance to him." Someone said behind me, in a deep voice, breathing heavily at the same time. I turn around slowly to see the wolf looking at me with those same sparkling brown eyes.

"You're not mute?" I asked him.

"You just heard me talk, right?" The wolf asked, but he stopped suddenly and looked at me with the same look this puppy gave me.

"Y-You really can communicate with us?" He stuttered to ask.

"You get it, Captain Obvious!" I sarcastically said.

"I have to go," the wolf said. I raised one of my eyebrows at him and stood at the door.

"No, you're still recovering."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐞 (𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now