【 C h a p t e r 5 0 】

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Jonathan's POV

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Jonathan's POV

As we walked along the streets, we talked some more and found out that Anita was just an only child before having a stepbrother. Her silliness is sometimes funny to me and we had something in common, which I don't want to say. When we went back to her place, we stopped in front of the entrance and turned around to face me.

"This has been quite a night, but I must say, this is the end of the road for tonight."

"Okay, I'm glad that I didn't have to bring you to your room." I yawned, "Because I'm sleepy now."

"Ouch, anyways... Thank you for this wondrous night Mr. Insensitive Tall Guy."

"Good night to you too, Ms. Sensitive Short Lady."

"You're being a jerk tonight, now I'm glad we're ending it." Anita walked in the entrance and I just yawned again before coming back to my place, the same thing happened today. Meet her at her place, walk around, and eat. But there's a chance.

"Let's watch a movie, you can decline if you want to."

"I would love that actually because we've been doing the same thing just like yesterday."

"Haha, you're so mean."

"It's a fact," I said to her, she mimicked me, and all of a sudden, I chuckled. She was stunned by it and her face started to blush, I raised my eyebrows at her and she shook them off.

"Let's go, the movie isn't waiting for us." We went to see a movie and as we were halfway through the ending I suddenly asked myself out loud.

"Would Angelica like this movie if she were here?" I quickly glanced at her and she was busy eating her popcorn and looking at me, I ignored it and continued watching that movie. I don't know why my mouth always spits Angelica's name. It's not that it'll take long, she'll be back.

"Hey, the movie's done. What are you thinking about?" I was cut off when Anita tapped my shoulder.

"Oh, I'm thinking that this movie shouldn't even exist at all."

"Like you weren't crying when we're watching it, come on. Don't be such a stubborn man and let's go," she says and pulls me out of the chair, I toppled over her and she hits her back on the wall and grunts.

"Ow, that hurts—" she trailed off when she opened her eyes.

"Sorry, I was out of balance." Anita just nodded and we went back to her building to eat again she kept talking about what would happen if that were to happen in real life.

"That's pure absurdity, I'm sure of that one. I mean can't they be more rational about it?" I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"You looked like a girl ranting about something and it's really funny, you should see your face when you roll your eyes." she laughed harder and I squinted my eyes at her and continued eating.

"That's being realistic, Anita."

"I know that we wouldn't live long enough if we don't do that. But you should see yourself." she went back laughing and I just rolled my eyes at her making her laugh affects me to join her. But I don't feel anything about you, I'm sorry. This went on for almost 4 months now, I still haven't had a call from Angelica after that call from the plane. It got me worried, I almost hit the car in front of me and Anita looked at me concerningly.

"Are you okay? You seem out of it these past few days, is something the matter?"

"No, uh, I just don't have enough sleep. That's all, nothing to worry about."

"Well, I'm worried, because you almost totaled a car."

"Did you seriously think I don't know that?!" I accidentally raised my voice at her and she flinched from it, her expression darkening, and bit her lip in anger. She opened the door and left, I just started my car and zoomed in. I can hear what she said to me.


Anita's POV

I walk back to my estate, seething and people automatically get out of my way. I decided to call Ronaldo.

"Have you done what I asked for?" He asked through the other end.

"No, of course not. I wouldn't call you without a reason," I said in an exasperating tone, he puffs his chest on the other end of the line and replied.

"Listen to me Anita, if I ever find out that Jonathan is not in love with you— I swear, I'm gonna tear you to pieces." those words vile my temper, and couldn't contain it.

"No. YOU listen to me, you are the one who has problems with Jonathan. Not me, that was a long time ago. Couldn't you move on from it? I promise you if you don't swallow that pride of yours... It will be the one swallowing you, let your bruised ego heal. For my sake, as your step-sister, stop this. Right now!"

"Don't you dare teach me how to live my life!"

"Then don't you freaking dare rule me because I'm not scared even for the slightest to end this conversation with you!" I ended it, smashed the phone on the table with a loud bang and it broke into halves. My hand was bleeding and a man bustled into my room.

"Madame, I have great news for— Oh my god, are you okay?" It's my secretary, he swiftly walks to get the first aid and somehow my temper eases a bit when he's around. He stumbles for a bit before reaching me.

"What's the great news?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna answer that when I'm done cleaning your wound, madame." he looks at the phone, "shall I get you a new one?"

"Yes, thank you. I'm quite glad that you're here, or else I might've done wondrous things here." I said, he chuckled at it and noticed that he's good-natured compared to Jonathan. I looked at him discreetly and this is the first time I seriously looked at him. His skin is kind of pale, his hair has a touch of ombré, and his lips are kissable. I never looked at him this way, or maybe I'm going insane. He shifts his face to blow the alcohol on my hands and he has a firm jaw, his eyes are light brown, and then noticed that both of them are looking at me. He was saying something and I snapped out of it

"Madame, my great news was that I found where Angelica Park is."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐞 (𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now