【 C h a p t e r 3 0 】

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Jonathan's POV

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Jonathan's POV

Angelica's still there, and her best friend too. I turned around and hit the pedal heavier to drive faster. It started shaking violently and I stopped to get out, people were scattered all around the place and I tried to run, instead, I only bumped into a wall. I winced, so I just walked inside. I ran upstairs carefully when no one was looking and reached the designated floor. It stopped, but three rooms collapsed and one door was blocked by concrete. Someone cried out in pain and I started to throw away the rocks that were blocking the door.

"Hello?" a familiar voice, it must be Angelica.

"Hey, Angelica! It's Jonathan, are you okay?"

"Yes, but my best friend isn't. Can you help us get rid of these stones?"

"Sure," I picked one big chunk of concrete and put it behind me. As I reached the door, it wouldn't budge so I pulled it out and the door was in my hands. I heard a camera click and I looked at who it was, a bald guy who used to be a stalker of my sister and wanted to reveal our true secrets even if the evidence is not all true. I threw the door at him and he dodged it, but what he didn't know was that I was already in front of him and stole his camera away.

"You dared to steal my camera away?"

"And I am daring myself to destroy it," I said and crushed the camera with my bare hands, a glass pricked my hand and a drop of blood hit the floor. He gulped in fear and ran away, I looked back and she pushed some rocks away. I hid the memory card in my pocket and helped Angelica get rid of it.

"Thank you— Oh my gosh, you're hurt!" she said and looked at it dearly, "Wait for me, but as you wait, can you please lift the rock that crushed Madison's foot? I'll get some kit," she says worryingly.

"I can't do it alone," I said.

"Yes you can, you just picked those up!" she pointed at the rocks behind me.

"I just had some help, but he ran because I bled," I explained.

"Oh," Angelica says, her look says it all that she doesn't believe. She shrugs it off and walks away.

"Just calm down, okay?" Madison nodded and closed her eyes, I picked it up with a grunt and threw it out to make it seem believable.

"See? You can handle it alone," Angelica exclaimed and came back with a pitcher of water and the kit. She grabbed my hand and rinsed it, "Gotta say, you have pretty smooth hands."

"I know, you just got to take care of it," I complimented myself and her lips twitched at me, and poured the alcohol on me, "Ow! Be careful!" I almost jerked my hands out and she hissed.

"It's gonna be okay if I don't do that you'll probably get an infection." Angelica blew it gently and applied the right amount of antiseptic and covered it in gauze. I looked at her. Even at times like this, she radiates that beauty, and I didn't notice that my hands parted the hair that was blocking her face and she looked at me surprisingly. I looked away and put away my hands at her.

"Thank you," I said coyly, "Let's go now, an aftershock will happen any minute now." We both carried Madison out of the building, and when we reached outside, paramedics came to help us and put Madison on a stretcher. It starts shaking again, but it's much worse this time, and debris starts to fall from the building. One big piece of debris started to fall and Angelica and I both looked up and she saw that it was falling to where she was standing. I stood in front of her and hugged her. The rock hit my back intensely and a normal-sized rock grazed her shoulder but it didn't phase me and she shrieked.


I opened my eyes and saw Jonathan standing in front of me, he smiled at me.

"You're pretty loud," he chuckled, blood started to come out from the back of his head and I cupped his cheeks.

"You're hurt," my voice trembles a bit, "You shouldn't have done that." a single streak of tears fell and I used my handkerchief to wipe off his blood, paramedics put him on the stretcher and into the ambulance with me.

"We're safe now," Jonathan says and lies still, "Bring me to my house."

"But, sir—" the paramedic said but I cut him off.

"Please follow what he said, it might discomfort him," I said.

"Y-yes, but who are you ma'am?" he asked.

"I'm Angelica," I proudly said.

"And... your relationship with the victim?"

"Acquaintance," I said but before I even shut up he said something that made my eyes widen.

"She's also my assistant," Jonathan says painfully, and the paramedic nods. I lightly smacked his shoulder and mouthed "are you even serious right now?" he replied, "if I didn't say that, we'd already be in the hospital."

"We're here," the paramedic said, when we went out his family was outside. His mother's pained expression, Madeleine's worried look, Nicholas' confused and a tall old man who might be his father with a resolved expression. They eyed me and her mother came toward me.

"Are you all okay?" she squeezed my shoulder and I suddenly winced. She looks at it,

"You're hurt too."

"I'm okay," we went inside and she told one of the maids to assist me to take care of it,

"Thank you." Once I'm all wrapped up, her mother comes in.

"I believe you are his..?"

"Acquaintance, ma'am," I said politely.

"You don't have to be so polite to me dear, does he tell you about what I am?" I nod and she chuckles at me, "Don't be afraid of me, I'm not actually like that." She sits beside me.

"How's Jonathan— I mean, Sir Jonathan."

"He's fine, a thing like that is just a scratch." Jonathan's mother laughed and I blinked at what she said, "Oh, he hasn't told you..."

"Told me what, ma'am...?"

"Nevermind that, anyways, stay for the night. We'll have dinner later," she says, and before she I asked her.

"Have you seen his pet, by any chance, ma'am?" She looks at me.

"What pet?" her expression is confused.

"Nathan, it's his pet wolf." I smiled at her and looked around with my gaze, but her mother seemed to be confused about it but she never really shows or says she was confused.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐞 (𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now