49. Guardian Angel pt. 1

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I ran down the streets to the Lolani palace. Today is my first day in my new job and I can't believe I'm already running late. "Anabel Smith, I'm new in five o unit." I breathe heavy and speak fast to the tall guy standing at the entrance. He started typing something in the computer and moved to the side after motioning me to walk in. "Thank you sir." I glance to my wrist watch and it's only five past seven.

I stop for a second to breathe but then it suddenly hits me, there is no one here. "Miss Smith?" A tall man with long curly hair catches my attention. "What are you doing here so early?"

I look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Early?"

He walks towards me and smile. "We usually start at eight." He chuckles. "I'm special consultant Jerry Ortega, nice to meet you."

I politely shake his hand. "God I'm so stupid. I almost died running here because I thought I was late." I face palm myself. "I'm Anabel nice to meet you."

"No problem I could use someone. I was just researching the UFO's landing that was covered up by the government." Jerry drags me to the big screen and starts typing something. "I hacked into their files." He smiles but suddenly gets serious. "Actually don't tell that to anyone."

"UFO's?" I step closer to the screen. "If you want I can get you some info right from the source, I have a friend working there." Jerry's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

Good half an hour later we were all gathered in the main room where my boss gave me the badge and gun and a moment later his phone rang. "Yes this is McGarrett... Well be right there." He picked up his west. "Gunfire's by the Jakuzza five minutes from here." By the time we arrived to the scene the only thing we found was two deaf bodies. "Look around they couldn't get far." He ordered.

Everyone was walking in their own direction as I heard something from behind the trash bin. I pulled my gun out and slowly walked to see what was causing that noise when I was hit by something behind my head.

"Nothing." Danny threw his hands in the air. "They must have change the vehicle."

Steve looked from left to right. "Where is detective Smith?" He tried to call me with his radio but there was silence on the other side. "Jerry ping me her phone."

"On it sir." Jerry typed and his breath caught in his throat. "It's off sir. Looks like they caught her."

When I woke up my body ached from head to toes. I couldn't move because my hands were tight together around the large pipe. I heard two man talking Japanese. They suddenly heard a noise and ran outside. Two gunshots were heard followed by a loud screams.

I panicked as I saw the door opening. I stayed quiet, looking at the man approaching me. "Go away!" I tried to scream by my voice wasn't doing as I wanted.

"I could do so but then you would stay here, forever." He kneeled down inches from me. His dark hair were messy and he grow out his facial hair.

His brown eyes roamed over my face and I kicked him with my knee. "Creep."

He fell on his butt and chuckled. "I'm here to save you."

"Well I don't need to be saved." I protested. I hated being the weak girl who needs other. "So thanks."

"Oh, okay. So how exactly do you plan on getting out of there?" He pointed to the chains over my wrists and legs.

I rolled my eyes and lowered my head. "Fine..."

He took a key that was lying on the table and unchained my legs first. "I haven't seen you before." He stopped and stared into my eyes, making me uncomfortable.

"I'm new." I simply stated waiting to be saved at least and not interrogated. He proceeded to unlock my hands, finally setting me free. We heard a few guys approaching so he drew out his gun. "Stay behind me." I did as he said and after putting down three more man we were finally outside. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly as we ran towards the safe place. "You should be okay now but go straight to your unit." He ordered.

He looked at me for a couple of seconds and smiled. "Try staying out of trouble next time."

"Wait!" I walk towards him. "Won't you at least tell me your name?"

"Gabriel." He smirked leaving me alone in front of Lolani palace.

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