Just the way you are pt. 2

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Steve walked in the HQ in Monday after spending weekend with Zara. He was smiling from ear to ear, not able to hide it. "Morning guys and girls."

Tani looked at Junior and he raised his shoulder like he was saying 'I don't know'. Adam elbowed Danno who already had raised eyebrows.

"Hey boss." Quinn greeted. "What's up." She was the new girl who had the most courage when it came to annoying him.

Steve stooped right in front of them. "What would be up its just a normal day." He continued walking to his office, Danno right behind him. "Can I help you with something?"

"Yes, yes you can." He put his hands on his back like he usally does when he is amused. "I don't know who is she but I like her. She makes you all weird and goofy."

"Who?" Steve tried to make a straight face but failed miserably. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Danno laughed while walking away. "My friends you are a terrible liar."

Adam walked in holding a case file. "Hey you still wanna check that lead we talked about yesterday?"

"Yes, let's go." Steve grabbed his keys.

Adam took his wallet and phone and followed close behind. "Hey can we grab a coffee first?"

Adam and Steve pulled over at his favorite coffee shop. His eyes desperately searched for her until he spotted her sitting in the corner, writing something on her laptop. "I'll be right back." Steve walked to her and gave her Twix bar on her keyboard. "Eat this you look pale."

Zara raised her head to look at him. "Following me now Mr. Officer?"

Steve bit his lover lip and chuckled. "You don't really have to think hard for your whereabouts."

"True." She admitted and opened the chocolate he gave her. "What are you up to?"

"I'm working but my partner nodded coffee." He pointed to Adam who was already looking at them so she waved at him. "Gotta go but I'll text you later."

Back in the car Adam sternly observed his boss. "Who was she?"

"A friend." He simply stated and continued driving.

Adam pushed his buttons. "Just a friend?"

"Yes, just a friend." Steve shook his head in disbelief. "Good friend."

"She's nice." Adam looked out of the window, careful with his next words. "You need to move on from Cath, Steve."

"It's not that, I moved on I have... Its Zara, she is so fragile and you know how dangerous my life is especially now that Wo Fat is after me." Steve admitted and Adam was surprised at how sincere he was. He usually keeps it all to himself.

Adam nodded. "She is already in your life so I say go for it."

Steve put on his favorite shirt, grabbed a red rose and a box of Zara's favorite chocolate and knocked on her door. "Hey, can I come in?"

Zara stooped to the side, giving him space to walk in. " What is all that?" She pointed to flowers.

"This are for you." He gave presents on her table. "I know this is all of a sudden but, would you go out with me? Like on a date."

Zara's eyes widened. " You wanna go out with me?"

"Yes, you." He took her hands in his. »I want to get to know you better. You are super fun to be around so why not? Unless you don't want to." He let go if her hands.

"No, no I want to." She smiled. An hour later they were sitting at the best restaurant, eating. "This is nice." She looked at the sea and closed her eyes. "So relaxing."

"You look so beautiful." Steve trailed his fingers down her chin. "I love that dress on you." He raised her head up and started leaning in for a kiss, when their lips touched it felt like fireworks. Neither one of them could pull apart but decided against it. "Are you ready to go?" He whispered seductively to her ear making goosebumps appear ob her back.

She nodded not being able to speak from the kiss. Steve grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. He looked at their hands and smile creped on his lips.

"Oh my god, what is that sex god doing with a whale like that?" Two skinny girls laughed at the table and Zara heard them. Tears started forming in her eyes at the thought of being bullied for her weight her whole life. But she has lost so much weight and they are still picking out on her. Zara let go of Steve and took a step away. What was she thinking? She couldn't be with someone like him, he was too god for her they were right.

"Please wait for me in the car." Steve gave her his keys and walked straight to those girls. She stayed curious of what he will about to do. She heard nothing but she saw fear in their eyes and it made her laugh. "Ready?" He grabbed her hand once more and this time she didn't let go.

Steve took her back to her place and handed her a beer. They were sitting in silence, listening to waves crushing on the shore and playing with Eddie. "This is a nice place to live."

"Yeah, but it gets pretty lonely by yourself." Steve drew circles on the exposed skin of her upper arm. "You should stay here if you want to." Zara nodded and pressed her lips back on Steve's. He picked her up and carried her upstairs to his bedroom.

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