42. No memory pt. 1

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You woke up one day and every muscle in your body acked. You try to move but something is stopping you from doing so. You look at your body that had tubes connected to it and that's when you realized you are in a hospital. You start to panic and the alarm goes on.

Doctor rushes in and calms you down. "Miss you are going to be okay. You had an accident and you are in a hospital." He took care of the machines and gave me a phone so I dialed the only number I remembered.. "Adam." I cried. "I'm scared."

"Y/N?!" He paused for a second. "Are you awake? I'm coming." He walked in the main room confused. "Y/N is awake." He told Steve who was even more confused. "Didn't she call you?"

Steve nodded no. "That's weird, I'm coming with you."

Adam and Steve were about to open the door when the nurse stopped them. "Mr. Noshimuri, Sgt. McGarrett I have to tell you something before you walk in there." She looked at her fingers like she had a hard thing saying it. Y/N has lost her memory and she doesn't remember past five years."

Adam looked at his boss who was standing blankly in one spot. "Five years?" He whispered. "That means she won't know who I am, she won't know we love each other..."

"Hey, we will make her remember." Adam put his hand on Steve's shoulder.

"I'm sorry but if you push her in any way the memory loss could be forever. Be careful what you tell her." She explained and said goodbye.

Steve opened the door, anxious to see his girlfriend and Adam followed close behind. "Y/N." Adam walked to her bed and gave her a tight hug. They were good friends, even five years ago, when they were working together. The only difference was Steve wasn't their boss yet.

Steve stood inches from her bed and for a strong tough man he is, he barely held it together when he saw her puffy red and confused eyes. "This is commander Steven McGarrett, our new boss." Adam slowly explained. He didn't want to give her to much of information's but he wanted to get her memory back.

"New boss?" Y/N furrowed eyebrows. "What happened to old one?"

"He resigned." Steve answered, looking straight to her eyes that were looking at him with no emotions and he couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me I have to go back to HQ."

Steve arrived at his office and then the tears fell down his cheeks and he couldn't stop it. "Steve? Why are you crying she woke up you should be happy." Danny knocked on his door.

"She doesn't remember me." Steve cried on his best friends shoulder. "She doesn't know who I am Danny."

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