35. Daddy's friend pt.1

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Samantha was a nineteen year old girl who just came home from studying in the mainland. She loved New York but she always felt so lonely even when she dated she didn't feel complete. One day she decided to leave everything behind and return back to Hawaii to live with his dad.

It was hard living with a cop when she was young. He had all those rules that she had to obey but she hoped things will be different now.

At first Bruce was happy to see his daughter back home but the problems soon appeared when he injured himself at work and started drinking. The arguments started and Samanta felt she made a big mistake coming back.

Until there was a knock on their door one day. Bruce was fast asleep on the sofa so Samantha opened. A blue eyed beauty stood in front door, smiling down at her, showing his dimples. He must of been way older than her but younger than her dad, she observed him.

"Good evening Sam." He finally greeted and she smiled. "Your dad said you were home, welcome back."

She instantly recognized him. "Hey, I see you stil think I'm a boy." She chuckled at the thought of Steve always calling her Sam.

He smirked and she couldn't believe how much he has changed. "It's great to see you again." His eyes scanned her. She must of been ten when he last saw her. Her two signature ponytails were gone. "Is your dad home?" He faked coughed and composed himself again, trying not to look at her exposed curves.

Samantha invited him in. "It's bad since the injury." She admitted, looking at Steve's behind when he walked in, in front of her.

Steve went to the kitchen and brought some ice. He threw it on Bruce's face, waking him up. "Get up this second." Steve growled at his friend. "We got work to do and it won't work if you are drunk every day."

It's been like that for the rest of the week, until Bruce got his shit together. Samantha was happy with Steve's help and she did not complain about his company. "How is it in the army?" Samantha made a conversation one day when they were having a dinner.

Bruce was in the kitchen grabbing refill on juice. Steve put the beer down and motioned for her to come closer and sit next to him. He grabbed his phone and show her some pictures. She couldn't help herself she had to brush her leg on his, and touch the skin on his arms. "You look happy." She smiled. She didn't want to move away from him it was like a magnet to her. "So did you marry?" Samantha bit her lip and look at her fingers.

"No." He laughed. "I'm too young to be married." He joked. Steve stood up and grabbed his things. "Tell your father I had to leave. I'll see you around Samantha." He whispered and his hot breath made goose bumps on her skin.

"Aloha." She whispered more to herself.

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