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Danny and I have been dating for a few months now. Last week I actually moved in with him.

His daughter Grace and son Charlie spend time with us every other week and those weeks are the best.

"You have to be very carefully next time you go riding a bike with no training wheels okay Charly." I told him while cleaning little boy's knee of blood.

"Okay." He said and nodded with his head also.

I smiled at his silliness. "Now this is going to stink just a little. But you are going to be a brave man just like your dad okay."

"Are you gonna take me to the ice cream later?" He asked pointing with his little finger right to my face.

I laughed and nodded yes. I sprayed a gaze and pressed it to the wound. Charly winced but didn't cry. "See I told you are brave."

"Just like daddy!" Danny jelled from the front door.

I rolled my eyes and Grace laughed. She ran to me and gave me a kiss then she took Charlie with her.

Danny came to me and put his arms around my torso. "Have I told you how good you look with my kids? I couldn't be prouder to have you."

"Not lately. Thanks." I said and kissed his lips.

"Ewwww.. gross." Charlie and Grace both screamed making us laugh.

"C'mon let's go for ice cream." I said and grabbed my car keys.

"Let's pack your bags too. You can have a sleepover at grandma's." Danny suggested and gave me a wink that I know all to well what it meant.

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