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"Wait, wait... so you are telling me Y/N asked you out and you said you are kind of busy?" Steve laughed to Danny while driving.

Danny rolled his eyes at his partner. "I got cold feet okay!"

"Idiot. She is the perfect girl for you and you are busy? " Steve pushes again.

"I am busy. We are chasing behind a suspect right now." Danny hold on the door. " Who taught you to drive, monkey?"

"Chicken." Steve smirked and pressed his foot on a gas petal harder.

"Whoa, maniac." Danny put combed hair back with his hand. "I do wanna live a couple of more years."

"I know you are to busy to die." Steve looked right at the road but he could see Danny's face.

After Danny and Steve caught the bad guy, they drove to the beach to grab something to eat. Y/N was sitting to the table on the left, smiling at them.

"Go ask her out." Steve ordered.

Danny awkwardly laughed. "Not now she is with someone."

Steve got up and sit down next to Y/N's date. "Hey listen, Danny over there is to big of a pussy to ask you out..."

Danny couldn't hear what they were talking about next but he could hear them laugh which only made him more self conscious.

Steve came back with a blank expression. He picked up his glasses and put them on. "Tomorrow at seven. She will pick you up." He started to walk towards the car. "Chicken."

Danny quickly followed behind him. "You are never gonna let me forget that wont you?"


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