7. request pt. 4

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Steve walked to his office, still smiling from this morning events. He liked Tani the second he saw her that is why he "accidently" crashed with her at the airport and when he did his homework and he knew why she came to Hawaii, he made sure to visit governor.

"Okay everybody gather around." Steve called for his team mates but one of them was missing. "Where is Tani?"

Chin looked at his phone and his face suddenly got serious. "She went to check on a lead but she should be back by now."

"Ping her phone ASAP!" Steve ordered while trying to call her again.

Jerry's fingers typed on the keyboard as fast as never before. "Okay I have a location. She was last turned on in Waikane an hour ago. I'll send you the address."

"Let's go

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"Let's go." Steve grabbed his gun and ran outside. "Good work Jerry."

Tap, tap, tap...

The water drops falling to the floor woke me up. It was a dim light, making me see outlines of figures. There was no one in the room but I know it now. I will be the Red Butcher's new victim.

It must have be an hour of me trying to save myself but nothing worked. I plumped down and taught about all those victims who didn't make it and if he kills men he will get a free pass again.

"Glad you are awake Tani." I heard a deep voice coming from the dark. "I began to think you will never find me."

The man walked closer and the moon light shine on his face, revealing it. "It's you, taxi driver." My head was spinning. I had so many questions but the killer picked me up by my hair and put a knife to my throat. "Wait no!"

"You smell better than I ever imagined Tani." His hands groped all over my body and if my hands were free I would show him... "I did my homework so I knew you were coming after me." He forcefully kissed my lips. "I can't wait to taste you."

Steve and his team slowly checked the house and when they hear Tani screaming Steve sprinted down but stayed hidden when he saw a knife. His hands were tight in fists looking at the psycho kissing and touching something that belongs to him.

 His hands were tight in fists looking at the psycho kissing and touching something that belongs to him

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He finally had enough and he stepped out of the darkness. "John Reed. Finally we got the name of a monster." Steve walked closer, slowly. "Why don't you let miss Rey go and talk to us."

Murderer John pressed his knife tighter on my neck and Steve froze. "Wouldn't it be cool if the one person who caught me is also my last victim?"

I taught about all the families who want answers. The answers only he can give them. I took a risk and when he wasn't carefully I kicked his knee, coursing him to hit the ground and stab himself in the belly. "Wouldn't it be cool if someone who caught you also escort you to your electric chair?"

Junior ran and cuffed bleeding John then he escorted him to a hospital where he will wait till he is stable enough for trial.

Steve ran towards me and embraces me in a tight hug. "I was so scared."

I smiled and pecked his lips. "Thanks for saving me."

Steve lifted me up and carried me out. "Well Miss Rey, we have an open spot in our team and as I see you are a great asset."

"Are you sure it has nothing to do that I am sleeping with the boss?" I bite my lip and wait for him to kiss me. "By the way, after John gets transfer to London, I am all yours."


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