Age is not a problem for me pt.2

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It's been three days since Steve left me his number. I debated on If I should call him or not. The message was obviously meant for me but I'm not sure what his attentions are.

I went to beach every day just to see him but he never came. I picked up my phone and dialed the number I now know in my head. After I rang two times I clicked the red button, chickening out.

I laid down on the chair and listened to the waves when my phone stared ringing. It was his number and my finger slide on the red button answering it. "Hello."

"Holly." He smiled. "You called."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You know my name?"

"Yes it was on your name tag. I taught you aren't gonna call." I bite my lips and then I didn't know what to say. "Meet me at the beach tonight at six. Where you saw me the other day."

My heart started to beat faster. He wants to see me. I put my phone back in my pocket and went home. I need to find something to wear.

It was fifteen to six and I felt like an idiot to arrive so much earlier. I sat down on a large rock and waited. When it was six eighteen I stood up and wanted to leave because all this must of been a joke.

I walked towards the ocean to take a picture of a beautiful sunset when my name was suddenly being called. I turned around and Steve was walking towards me in a blue shirt.

"I'm so sorry I am late but something came up at work." He apologized while breathing heavy. "Wow." He took my hands in his and took a step back to look at me. "You look... breath taking."

I blushed hard at his remark. The moon was shinning over his head making his blue eyes even more blue. "Thanks. I was just taking a picture." I smiled like an idiot, not knowing what to say.

He grabbed the phone from my hand and pulled me closer, then take a picture while he kisses my cheek. "Now that we got this covered shal we go?"

I gulped down hard from the pressure. No guy has ever been this close to me. His lips left a burning sensation on my skin. "So where do you work?" I finally uttered a sentence.

"Five o task force." He smirked. "That's why I was late I had to catch a murderer before our date."

"No way, that was you?" I looked at him in disbelief. "It was all over the news."

"Yeah but let's not talk about me." He pointed to the private area of the beach where a blanket was with some candles. "It's nothing special but it will have to do." He scratched the back of his head. "Vine?"

"Are you kidding me it's amazing." I sat down next to him. "Is this your house?" I looked behind me. "Its beautiful."

"Yeah my dad left it to me. I love the view in the morning." He sipped on the vine. "You should see it sometimes."

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