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I was the medical examiner and were currently working on a case in the tall building. With me was just officer Pua and detective Danny Williams.

After the crime scene was being processed you two carefully put body of a dead man into the bag and onto the cart to drive it to the van

Danny offered to help and together we loaded all of the equipment into the elevator.

The elevator door closed and went a few stories down until suddenly came to the stop and the lights went out.

You looked at Danny for comfort but he was even more worried than you were.

"Oh my god, oh my god. Please tell me that the elevator didn't just stop." He said while walking up and down in panic.

"I think that's exactly what happened. Bud don't worry I'm going to call officer Pua for help." I said calmly and took my cell phone out of my pocket. No signal. "Crap!"

Danny looked at me. "We are stuck in here aren't we?! I knew it we are gonna die in here. I didn't even talk to Grace today. I didn't buy..." he started panicking even more.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Danny are you claustrophobic?"

He nodded.

"Danny just breathe in trough the nose and in through the mouth. Try to calm your breathing and think of nice stuff, like Grace and Charlie." I calmed him down while holding his shoulders.

He slowly calmed down.

"Here you should tape me doing autopsy because I won't remember everything later." You took your phone and started taping.

"It is Monday, May fifth, two thousand and nineteen at eleven thirty. We are currently performing an autopsy of mister Jake.....


Meanwhile officer Pua was ready to leave. He came to the garage and spotted Danny's camaro and medical van parked there.

He thought to himself how strange this is and went to check once more.

"Detective Williams, Y/N! Where are you? He called out.


"Detective Williams, Y/N! Where are you? You heard a familiar voice. "Listen it's officer Pua, he is looking for us."

Danny turned towards the door and started calling for him. "In here!"

We heard him say he will call for help and we just have to stay put a few more minutes.

"See I told you someone is going to save us." I said with a smile.

Danny laughed. "I could just kiss you right now."

"Whoa, at least buy me a drink first." I joked.

"How about tonight at seven?" He asked and you nodded then heard officer Pua coming back with workers who let you out.

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