48. Just the way you are pt. 1

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This one is very special for me since I've struggle with being overweight my whole life and being bullied as a young child. And it took me forever to start loving myself and actually lose weight. Well now after the pregnancy I am back on overweight side 😅 but the point is I love my body just the way it is and so should you because you only have one. ♥️♥️♥️

There was this girl who sat alone in the coffee shop every morning, drinking coffee by herself. No one ever said hay, no one ever looked at her but he did.

He thought it was funny, the way she sips her black coffee and the face she makes when the bitterness hits her. He thought it was cute how she always greets the older man that is sitting outside and how she always wears a jacket no matter of the weather.

But he knows she is hiding. She is hiding her body because she feels disgusted by it. She hides it from the woman's who laugh at her and from man that will never find her sexy.

He wishes she would know that her smile makes his day.

One day Steve was running late but he couldn't start the day without his coffee. He grabbed one for him and one for each team member and sprinted out of the door. He checked at the phone for time and collided with someone. Hot coffee was spilled all over his shirt. "Oh my.. I'm sorry."

He raised his look up just to be meet with those brown eyes he stares at every morning. "It's okay." She smiled back at him, her own clothes stained brown.

"Let me give you some money for dry cleaning." He offered but she refused his money. "Are you sure? The stain will be hard to remove."

She nodded. "I think ill manage."

"I'm sorry I have to run I'm late for a meeting and I need to go home and change." He picked up the empty coffee mugs and threw it to the bin.

"I leave just around the corner. If you want I can give you some of my brothers clothes." She offered and he didn't really have a choice but to say yes. "You look like the same size."

Two minute walk and they arrived back at her apartment. She unlocked it and went to her brothers room to find a shirt.

Steve looked around the room and saw a picture of a man that he knew all too well. "No way Zara? You are Scotty's sister?"

She peeked her head from his room with a smile on her face. "You know him?"

"Yes." He picked up a family photo. "We served together." He grabbed a shirt that she threw him and unbuttoned his own. "Where is he this days?"

Zara looked how his muscles tensed at every move he made and she had to force herself not to stare. "Traveling a world with his new wife."

Steve busted out laughing. "Wife? I can't believe it, he was the biggest player I know." Steve packed his dirty shirt and grabbed his phone. "I need to run. Thank you." He disappeared through the door leaving Zara with her thoughts.

Later that day when Zara was ready to chill, there was a knock on her door. "Steve, come in." She invited. "Is everything okay?"

"Hey, yeah I just wanted to return this." He handed her Scotty's shirt. "It's cleaned."

"You didn't need to he won't miss it." She put it on the small table by the entrance. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"I was thinking you could join me for dinner." Steve crossed his arms nit wanting to be turned down by her. But he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Oh, I don't know, it's Friday and its pretty busy out there." She wrapped herself in a jacket to hide her curly hips.

Steve offered her a hand. "C'mon I know just the spot that isn't too busy."

Zara exhaled. "What the hell, why not?!" She left to her room. "I'll be ready in a minute."

"We are here." Steve parked the car at the small truck that sells street food. "This is the best spot on Hawaii."

They sat down and ordered the food. "Thank you for taking me out it can get pretty lonely if you are alone every day."

"How long have you been living here?" Steve asked and watched how her lips moved when she talked.

"For about two months." She giggled. "It's a paradise for sure. How about you? Scotty told me you just left the army one day."

"So you've been talking about me?" He teased and bite his lip when her lips turned red. "I joined five o task force after my dad was killed."

"I'm sorry." She put her hand on top of his. "It sucks losing a father. Mine had cancer. Everything happened so fast..." Tears started form in her eyes.

Luckily the food arrived and Steve changed the topic. "Today we celebrate the good days." He raised his glass and made a toast with Zara.

"To good days that are yet to come." She sipped down the red wine. "Scotty says hay. He called earlier from New Zealand.'

"New Zealand, wasn't he just in England? Did he win a lottery?" Steve's eyes widened.

Zara chuckled. "Yep, he married the governors daughter." She took a bite of hamburger and flushed it with some juice. "He had tons of questions about you and someone, Rollins."

Steve faked a cough at the thought of her. "Oh, yeah, long boring story."

Steve arrived home at one a.m. He sat down on the sofa and started smiling. It was fun with Zara tonight. She looks like a smart young woman and funny. He couldn't wait to see her again.

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