The old man nodded in agreement. Athena was indeed impressive. Her natural skill paired with her knowledge of this world made her a great asset.


Athena sighed into the scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. The scarf was utterly unnecessary and a hassle. She wasn't all that affected by the cold. She could feel it bite into her skin. Her hands were freezing, stiff and blue. The word rigor Mortis popped into her mind the longer she stared at her small hands. Despite it all she didn't feel at all bothered by the cold. Yes it numbed her fingers and toes, but she didn't really care. She never showed any ounce of care for her own well being. It never mattered. No matter what she did, she would end up hurt. So why care?

She found herself in the forest again. What is it with her and the forest? The last time she was troubled. The forest was oddly calming. The sound of chirping birds. Billowing wind. Flowing water. It was soothing.

"Why am I even out here? "

Athena wasn't conscious of her reason for being out in the wild. For some reason unknown to her she wandered out to the forest. Was something bothering her? A useless question. Something is always bothering her. Always worrying her. She criticized every choice she made. She promised she wouldn't second guess anything she does and yet she judged every choice she made. Now she felt a mix of emotions. She didn't like it. She didn't like experiencing too many emotions at once. It's hard to grasp and hold onto one emotion. To hold onto the emotion she desired. The emotion she needed. It would never stay long. Happiness. She always managed to slip away and hand the reigns over to doubt, depression, anger and hate. Once they gain control it's a hard battle to subdue them. Athena couldn't handle that. She wasn't strong enough to face them. They had guns while she had nothing. She wasn't strong enough on her own. That's why she blocks out all emotions. She blocks them out to protect herself. She doesn't want to be hurt. It made her feel weaker than she already was.

She wished these thoughts would go away.

She didn't want to think about it. She wanted to ignore it. The pain in her chest. The emptiness she felt.

Why was she still feeling this way?.

She wasn't alone anymore. She had friends. She had people who cared. Who believed. Who understood. She should be happy. She was. Whenever she spent time with Naruto or Hinata. Those were blissful moments. They make her forget to withhold her emotions. They made her forget about the pain. They made her forget about the weight on her shoulders.  When they're  not around, when she's away from Kakashi, Guy and Hiruzen, she reverts back to the frightful child she is.

"Why can't I just be normal?"

A question she asked herself everyday. She wanted to experience happiness. She wanted caring parents. She wanted happy memories. She wanted pleasant dreams when she slept. She wanted to go about her day without constantly worrying. Criticizing. She wanted the fear in her heart to disappear.

Athena shook her head trying to rid herself of the  negative thoughts

"Are you gonna cry princess? "

She paused and tilted her head in the direction the voice came from. Her right.

Before she could think she was sprinting in that direction. She didn't like the taunting tone in the voice. Something in the pit of her stomach knew who those words were aimed at and she felt the familiar flame of rage take hold of her with a deadly grip.

Before she was conscious of herself she was flying from branch to branch with skillful ease. She heard the voice again, closer this time. They were laughing. An arrogant laugh that fueled her rage even more.

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now