Chapter 48 - AARON'S PLAN

Start from the beginning

"I didn't ask my father that, once I get home today that would be the first thing I will ask him, we shall get to know how we can summon Selena tomorrow." Jorkallun responded.

"Okay, just tell me what to do." Rae said and punches Sarah on her shoulder, though not hard. "We are cousins and you never revealed that to me."

"I am sorry Rae, it wasn't my intention to lie to you, but it has to be done. But I am glad that you now know who you truly are." Sarah said in an apologetic voice. "I am sorry you are just getting to know the truth now." She added.

"Well you are forgiven, I just don't like the way I get to know things very late." Rae said with shrugs shoulders. "And since my teacher won't be coming to school today, I will attend all my former classes." She added.

"Thanks for your understanding Rae. Anyway I will accompany you to your classes since we still have the same class together, if Jorkallun wouldn't mind." Sarah told Rae as they both turned to face Jorkallun.

"Fine by me." Jorkallun said to them with a smile.

"Don't worry when next I see Jason, I will slap him for allowing your girlfriend to ditch you for me today." Rae said playfully.

"I will like that, please format his brain with your slap if possible for me." Jorkallun told Rae in a playful voice.

"I will definitely do that." Rae said and walked towards the door.

Sarah kissed Jorkallun and left his arms to join Rae who was whistling at them.

They left Jorkallun and hurriedly went for their history class.

They weren't shouted at for coming late to the class.

Once Serena started teaching them some histories, Rae realized the topic Miss Serena was teaching them Jason had taught her already.

She misses Jason's presence. She wished he had come to school today.


Tharollin appeared at Tamara's cave and couldn't find her there. He sense no presence in the cave so he disappeared going to meet his father.


The water man had barely sat down on his throne made with rocks when Tharollin appeared in front of him.

"I am back like I said father. I need the answers right now." Tharollin said.

"Relax son, I will tell you all that you need to know." The water man said and continue. "Tamara was the one who had told me she wanted to kill all the Mer-clan and use their blood for powers and since Avonmora's soul is a very pure one, she decided to steal her soul and give it to me so that I can keep it well for her. I asked her what she wanted with the soul and she couldn't give me any reasonable answers. Tamara is the cause of everything, she is the one to be questioned and not me….your father." The water said lying. He couldn't tell him the whole truth.

Tamara is just like a puppet in the hands of Lucifer and him. The killing of the whole Mer-clan was to use the blood of an entire Kingdom who are very close to water and make sure it entered the Gate of Darkness, where some of his fallen angels that were killed by the last war and were thrown into the Gate of Darkness. The blood will make their bones raise again after some years has passed.

Wolves and the rest of the Supernaturals doesn't need water to live like the Mer-clan do. Mermaids  and Mermen use water to live, so there were easy target and Tamara played a huge role for them without knowing.

Tharollin wouldn't know all that, he was too kind hearted and that was what caused him to be where he is right now.

The pure soul which is to be use pointed to the Mer-Queen, and it will be used to unlock the chains that bind Lucifer when it made contact with the bones which Tharollin had helped them retrieved.

"Father, why did you not discourage her from her plans. Why would she want to wipe out all the Mer-clan?" Tharollin demanded.

"For her greedy I suppose. Tamara is a greedy person I have ever come across. I should have talked sense into her and not stand there and watch her use the name of the gods which she use to lie against the entire Supernaturals, and have all the whole Mer-clan killed. I know I am very wrong in that." Water man said.

"I see now, Tamara is the cause, Tamara is evil." Tharollin said convince a little.

"There is still a way to redo the past. You can bring all the Mer-clan back to life." Water man said suddenly.

"Really?" Tharollin asked shock.

"Yes son, I won't lie to you."

"Tell me what it is father?"

"The Bones you collected from the Gate of Darkness can be used in reviving them all. You just have to hand over the bones to me and you will see every Mer-clan will be alive once again." Water man lied.

"The bones can do that?" Tharollin asked with surprise.

"Yes son, it is one of the Secret of the bones I learnt and that was why I had pleaded with you to bring back my bones which was thrown at the Gate of Darkness." The water man answered him.

He had fought with the gods and Tharollin had helped them defeat him. And what they had thought was his body was thrown at the Gate of Darkness.

His real body was with Lucifer.



Aaron was standing in front of his twelve most trusted and strongest angels. He had summoned them.

"The twelve of you are my strongest warriors I have and I trust you will carry out my work diligently." Aaron began as he stared at each of the angels face to mark his point.

"We will do all we can my King." One of the Angels told Aaron.

"Good." Aaron said with a smirk and turn his back to them immediately. "I want you to hunt for Micheal, my brother, and kill him." He said.

"My king, killing Michael will be so hard, you know he is the strongest after Raphael, the Creator messenger who has not been seen for so many years now." One of the angels said. "No one can even recognize him even if they want, because Raphael always wear a mask to conceal his identity." He added slowly.

"Are we talking about Raphael or about my brother Micheal?" Aaron demanded and he angrily faces them once again.

"I am so sorry my King if it makes you angry, but we should give it a thought, Micheal was trained specially by Raphael himself, he is no match for one angel." The same angel said again. "You saw what he did to that 200 angels that you ordered them to kill him, he killed them all within two minutes." He added.

"I know Micheal is a strong angel and that is why I am sending you all at once to him. The twelve of you are the strongest amongst the other angels because you were trained a little bit by Raphael before he went missing and the Creator refuse to give us his location, so you will know a little bit of Micheal skills." Aaron said to them.

"What about Gabriel?"

"He won't know about our discussion, no one should tell him." Aaron answered.

"So what do you want us to do to Micheal?" Another Angel asked, pretending he didn't hear the first time Aaron had said he wanted Micheal dead.

"Find him, when you see him, follow him until you see him with a woman whose name is Selena, you kill Micheal there and bring me the woman." Aaron said with an evil glint in his eyes as he spoke. "Make sure Micheal doesn't live."

Unknown to them, Gabriel overheard their conversation.

This is a fictional Story

To Be Continued
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