Friends Over

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Daeho was sleeping in today as well. Even when you tried to wake him up for breakfast, he whined that he wanted to be left alone. How much more sleep could he need? You were careful around him since you didn't know how he was truly feeling inside. For all you know, he could be sleepy after dealing with painful cramps for hours. He possibly only wants his body to rest. That or it could be something entirely else which you're clueless about. You didn't know what to think when it came to Daeho. The morning didn't go like you wanted. All you did was leave Daeho in your room and wrapped Daeho's breakfast for later. He'll be hungry later.

The main reason you were feeling so weird about it today was because it was Sunday. All your close coworkers were coming over to visit Daeho. Taehyung as well and he came from a rival restaurant! You're honestly surprised that Jackson became okay with him. You thought that once Jackson found out that Taehyung works for Jungkook that he'd want the pink hair away from Daeho and Haesung. It was pleasant to see them get along. Haesung might have had to do some slight convincing, but it didn't take much to figure out that Taehyung was nothing like his boss. The male is a lot sweeter and understanding than that man who you don't want to think more about.

Either way, you were getting the place cleaned up a bit. Enough for it to look decent to a bunch of guests. Knowing how you are, the place probably looked like a furnished apartment that was for sale. Cleaning wasn't the only thing on your mind. There was a bunch of gluten free snacks that you had prepared. This household was now permanently gluten free for Daeho's comfort. The last thing you want is for him to get glutened again nor do you want even the smallest flare up.

There was nothing too big or too small when it came to helping Daeho out. You would do it all to the best of your abilities. Switching to gluten free food wasn't an awful thing. You appreciated that you would get to learn new recipes and almost learn how to cook all over again. It was an experience you were excited to go through. You suppose the only strange thing is how far in lengths you were going for Daeho when you don't know how long he's going to stay. It was supposed to be at the end of the month. Now there's only two weeks before the final month of summer ends. Daeho should be entering school next month yet all of that was thrown up in the air. Did Jiyoo even want Daeho back at all?

Jiyoo has become dead silent again. She hasn't texted or called you since that night at the hospital. There's no way you would try to contact her ever again. You just can't get yourself to do it. Daeho also doesn't seem to be in the right mind space to be mentioning his mother. For now, you're going to continue to take care of him as if you're his new guardian. If you have to figure out how to enroll him into a school in your city then so be it. All of it will be for him. It's the least you can do. You want to do as much as you can to make him happy. Things haven't been great since the gluten attack and with Jiyoo deciding to give you Daeho to take care of for...possibly until he's old enough to move out on his own.

That's why you need a distraction for Daeho! Something to make him forget about his awful mother and realize he's happier here anyway. He never needed her when all she did was cause pain to people. Though you were ready to disown your sister, it was clearly harder on Daeho. He might not see Jiyoo for who knows how long at this point, but you hope he can be genuinely happy without her. It won't be easy moving on. You just don't want Daeho going to a dark place again because of your sister. Sometimes you wondered if your sister was just waiting for you to call her and say motherhood is hard just so she can rub it in your face and take Daeho back. Like hell you will let that happen though. He's yours now.

Just as you were aggressively wiping the table clean, the bedroom door opened. It instantly got you to pause from your activity. Did Daeho finally wake up? You looked over your shoulder to see the skinny boy slip inside the bathroom that was right next to your room. He shut the door before you had a chance to say anything. Daeho has somehow managed to get smaller. It wasn't obvious with his large black hoodie on, but he's clearly lost weight. You were trying to work on that with giving him heavier meals. Something to help him recover and maintain a healthy weight. A frown remained on your face, noting that he's always been a small boy.

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