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There is a recipe for success and you're the only one who's figured it out. At least that's what you like to think. Out of everyone you know, you're certain that you'll do more in life than them. Not that you know many people. You tend to keep to yourself and keep your mind focused on your goals in life. Cutting out friendships and lacking interactions with others is just one of the many sacrifices you have to make. How tragic. Anyway, that's not really important right now. You're already trying to think of the title you'll name your book in the future. But you're not a writer so you assume you'll have a ghost writer do it all for you. You just want a book that'll show others how achieving your goals is possible. It just takes a lot of persistence!

You stood in the bathroom, taking in deep breaths. It's fair to say you were a little nervous for your interview today. From a girl who used to help out in her high school's cafeteria to soon to be employee at the famous Délice. It's a restaurant that you fell in love with when you were younger. It had the highest quality of food and the best service from its workers! Not only that, but you absolutely adored how clean the place was. It looked like the restaurant was on top of its game when it came to health inspections. There's nothing you love more than cleanliness! There's a reason why Délice has three Michelin stars.

That's the highest honor! Except, recently with new management...Délice has fallen down to two stars. That left you devasted and you could barely leave the house. What cruel Michelin food critic could do such a thing? That just won't do. Now that you're older and have gotten a variety of experience, you think you're qualified to work at Délice. You worked at your school's cafeteria, part-time at your old neighbor's restaurant, helped serve lunch at college to over hundreds of students, and you obviously went to school for culinary arts and hospitality. Not to mention, you had an internship at a hotel resort for a while.

You'll practically get the job on the spot! If there's one thing Nam (F/n) never does, that's fail! Failure is not in vocabulary and you don't believe in the concept in the first place. You've always been a go getter! The top of your class and always strict to the rules. Recipes have instructions that must be followed. Those instructions are there for a reason. They're to help you succeed! The same goes for when the executive chef and head chef make orders. You follow them exactly as they say and nothing can ever go wrong. That's what you love about being a chef. Everything falls into place and has order. Though the kitchens can get hot, loud, and extremely fast paced, you still loved it. Stress is nothing when you get to do what you love.

That's why you know you're going to get the job. Smiling at your appearance in the mirror, you ignored the yelling on the other side of the bathroom door. It was just your dumb sister who decided to invite herself over. She's mad that you're 'going out' without her when you told her beforehand already! Today is the day of your extremely important interview. You're not even sure why she's here in the first place. It's not like you guys like each other anyway. Nodding at your appearance, you soon groan to hear her pounding her fists against the bathroom door. What a brat!

"What!?" You opened the door wide. D*mn it. You took in a deep breath and tried to ignore it. Ignore it. Fight it.

"Listen to your Unnie!! Who do you think you are closing the door on me like that?" Jiyoo angrily huffed. You wanted to roll your eyes at her, but your mind was still stuck on something else. Jiyoo waved her hand in front of your face before you gave in. Rushing to the sink, you washed your hands all over again. You touched the doorknob. "Oh my God, you overreact! I thought this germaphobe thing was just a phase?"

"I just like being clean!" You retorted.

"Like washing your hands twenty times a day does anything." Jiyoo crossed her arms.

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